Chapter 13 - The Love Rival

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Recap from Chapter 12:

The name still riled some emotions in Tae Pyung, especially the way Eon Jin greeted him.

"Nam Gil oppa, Eon Jin speaking." ~ end of recap.

"Ah Eon Jin, glad to hear from you. When my supervisor in the calamity taskforce assigned me as your electrical helpline, I was so happy."

Eon Jin ignored the casual talk and got into business, "Let me put you on a video call. You're looking at the lock out main electrical panel. I need your guidance."

"Sure, please shoot, Oppa will patiently guide you step by step."

"Do I flip the red main breaker handle, next turn on the blue and green switches? Are we only turning on top half of the circuits?"

"Do I flip the red main breaker handle, next turn on the blue and green switches? Are we only turning on top half of the circuits?"

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"Our Eon Jin is so smart, makes me awkward to offer advice. The answer is yes. I heard that Tae Pyung-ie hu-bae is escorting you?"

Tae Pyung rolled his eyes at the pet name. He was not even close to Nam Gil-sun bae. In fact, Nam Gil was Tae Pyung's keenest love rival. Tae Pyung tried to contain his anger over the flirtatious remarks and pulled the ropes tighter than it should be. Eon Jin got lifted slightly higher and was unable to reach the switches.

"Ja-gi-ya (Honey), could you please lower me slightly?"

She had never called Tae Pyung "Ja-gi-ya", which depicted the highest form of intimacy with a partner. Her endearment for him was usually Boyfriend or Nam-Chin (short form for Nam-ja-chin-gu), because she thought it was unique. That word "Ja-gi-ya" plastered an ear-to-ear grin and deepened his dimples which were almost threatening to puncture his face.

He released the tension in the ropes to the precise level for her, while smiling to himself like a child who had won a trophy in a race.

Of course, Eon Jin meant to remind Nam Gil that she was taken by no other than Tae Pyung. It did not take Nam Gil another prompt to focus on the task on hand.

After the endearment, Nam Gil guided Eon Jin more professionally to restart the branch circuit breakers. They did so flipping some switching off and on, unscrewing some fuses and start all over, after Nam Gil tested on his system.

It took an hour for everything to be in order.

Before they ended the call, Nam Gil said, "Though I never stood a chance against Tae Pyung-ie hu-bae, I would really be honoured to be invited to your wedding to give my blessings. Stay safe and see you at the evacuation centre."

The couple worked their way down from the working height to ground level. At lightning speed, they removed their uncomfortable climbing gears, before sprawling their limbs liberally as they collapsed onto the ground.

The scorching mid-day sun burning brightly above them reminded that it was noon.

They were 30km away from the evacuation centre. However, every fibre of their muscles were beaten out of what energy could have left in them.

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