Chapter 5, Meeting the family

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Once home, I thought about what had happened last night. I mean one thing was certain, there was much more to what happened than what was revealed. I just need to focus on what. My focus didn't last very long because soon after my mom came to my room. "Lizzy come on we have to go to the Charmant manor (Where the Grant's are living)  in a half hour, and please for gods sake look presentable." "I do!" But as soon as the words left my mouth I knew I was lying because I caught a glimpse of my self in the mirror. My hair was in a braid which was ok, but hair was sticking out at the end and it was all frizzy. I guess that's what I get for not redoing it. Once I got home I changed into my favoite t-shirt which just so happened to be the most worn out, same with my shorts. "Oh." I said. Mom gave me a pointed look and walked out. I took my hair out and tried to brush it, it turned out to be impossible.  I decided to shower hoping that would sort out my hair. Once out I stood looking at my suitcase and my array of "nice clothing" it wasn't much. "I know you left most of your nice clothes in the USA." I jumped I didn't even know my mom was in the room. "Even though I don't know why. I got you a nice blouse, I hope you like it." She sat a bag on the bed. I pulled out a shirt, It was pretty. It was an off the shoulder lilack colored blouse with lillies. "I love it mom!" I hugged her. A big grin spread out over her face. "I'm glad." She walked out so I could finish getting ready. Once in the shirt and white shorts, I braided the crown of my head. I quickly finished up my makeup and then joined my mother, who was already waiting in the car.  We drove over for lunch to my aunt and uncle's house. Their house was massive. It was very long, 2 stories, with an attic at the very top and had a large porch with a balcony on top. It was beautiful. I followed my mom nervously to the door. We didn't even get the chance to knock when the door flew open."CARISSA!!!" My mother exclaimed. "ALOUETTE!!!!" Mom and my aunt toppled into hugs. I walked in and gave Bret, Belle, and Guy awkward hugs. I gave my uncle Alain a hug and he swept me off the ground. "It's good to meet you, Lizzy!" He whispered into my ear. I was set onto the ground.  Normally that would have been creepy but Alain was gentle and welcoming. Aunt Carissa's eyes caught mine and she stared. I fidgeted under her gaze. She shook her head and said, "I'm sorry for staring Lizzy." She wrapped me into a hug. "I understand It must be scary seeing basically a replication of Andi." "Scary is a strong word but strange. No matter I'm so glad to meet you! Come in, come in. Belle has prepared brunch." We walked through the huge hall into the dining room. There were a lot of waffles sloppily put onto plates. The flower arrangement was full of weeds. It was poorly put together but it was the thought that counts. "Does it look okay?" Belle asked me nervously. "It looks like a 2-year-old did it," Bret said. I shot him a demeaning look.  "It looks, wonderful Belle." I said sweetly. We all sat down at the massive table. I sat between Bret and Belle. Next to Belle was Guy. Across from me were Mom and my aunt next to her. Next to my aunt was Alain. Next to my mother was a spot placed but nobody there. "Are we waiting for someone?" I asked. Alain spoke up. "No, we always have an extra place." "It's normally for Max." Guy piped up. "Max Lawrence?" My mother asked. "Yes, Bradley's Son." My Aunt said. "How is he these days?" "He's well." There was this searing tension between the two of them. After a very silent brunch, Belle interrupted the akward silence with, "Can I show Lizzy Andi's room?" I froze, almost choking on my drink. I started to tell her it wasn't necessary but Carissa surprised me by saying, "Of course. I want you to become to know Andi as if you knew her, her whole life. I left everything the same." "As would I." My mother said, grabbing Carissa's hand. Apparently the tension was forgotten.

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