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Ruby along with Ren and Nora left Atlas Academy and went looking for Jaune, due to leaving him there. Once word got back to Ironwood that the rally was attacked and that Jaune was possibly captured, Ironwood gave orders that Robyn and her Huntresses were to be arrested, however, not one of ORN or RWBY liked that, so they all split up to look for Robyn and hopefully get Jaune back, they also wanted to check in on Professor Polindina to make sure he, Penny, and Maria were ok.

"You think he's ok?" Ruby asked

"I hope so, I don't think Robyn would kill a huntsman" Ren replied

"I don't know, with everything going on, she just might," Nora said

Ruby groaned, "this is all my fault!" Ruby said "I should've grabbed him when we had the chance"

"Look, it was a situation that we needed to get out of quick, not to mention it was his fault that he stayed behind," Ren said

"he didn't do anything wrong he made sure that the girl on stage was safe, he did something neither of us did," Nora said with a glare at Ren

things between the two were now getting somewhat worse, not to mention this whole situation was testing everyone's relationships. Yang was questioning Ruby about how she was handling everything that was going on, Ren and Nora were also not seeing eye to eye with the situation too, and even some small tension was building up between Weiss and Winter. However, Ruby was going to do what she did best and that was fighting through her feelings and trying to lead her friends against Salem.

"Let's see if we can find them where Robyn's most active," Ruby told them "I'm sure we can find them and see if we can get Jaune back.

The two agreed and followed Ruby to where Robyn was mostly active in robbing Atlas Supply trucks.




While Ruby, Nora, and Ren were looking for Robyn, she was currently with Jaune and Fiona heading to Professors Polindinas lab. Jaune had told them about Salem and the threat she had on the world, which he also told her was the reason they needed the amity arena, so they could spread the word of Salem. After their many questions, which Jaune tried to answer best, he had somewhat convinced them about Salem, however, Jaune still wanted to make sure that his assumption was right, he knew someone had to hack into Atlas's network, but he knew that currently, the only ones he would think of were Atlas's top scientist, he was the only Atlas Scientist that Jaune knew and he trusted Polindina very much.

He entered the lab only to find Maria tinkering with a gadget, she heard them enter and looked at Jaune

"Well, Hello again Jaune," Maria said

"Hey, Maria, hows retirement?" Jaune asked with a smile

"Very well actually, but I guess I do miss going on crime sprees with you again," Maria told him with a chuckle

Both Robyn and Fiona looked to Jaune with a confused look before looking at Mara

"Jaune, who are these two?" Maria asked

"oh right," Jaune said "Maria I'm sure you know Robyn Hill," Jaune said gesturing to Robyn

"A pleasure to meet you," Robyn told her

"Likewise Ms. Hill, big fan of your work," Maria told her

"And this is Fiona Thyme" Jaune gesturing to Fiona

"'Ello" Fiona greeted

Maria looked at her and smiled, "hello Fiona" Maria greeted

"Now that introductions are out of the way, is Professor Polindina here?" Jaune asked

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