Death's Hold

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A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a while! been busy with other projects but hey! New Chapter! So who's ready for it!?

Before we do begin though, I do want to play a little game, Someone told me it would be interesting if Jaune did go back on one of his promises in this story, and I do agree that would be quite interesing~!

Jaune had made two promises, one to Fiona and one to himself.

He promised Fione that he would be safe and alive

He promised himself that he was going to stop Watts and Tyrian for good

Which one do you think He'll go back on?

But now back to the story!




For now, everyone regrouped back at Atlas, as everyone was waiting for Ironwood's orders and what to do next. While RWBY, The Ace-Ops, Qrow, and Ironwood were planning things out, The leader of team ORNJ was currently thinking about his next moves. If he was right, Watts would assume that he was choosing their side, while still acting as if he worked with everyone else on Ironwood's side. Before he could do anything else, he needed to know what the plan was going forward.

"Jaune? You ok?" Nora asked

Jaune looked to her, "yeah... I'm fine Nora"

"You sure? You looked like you were thinking really hard there?" She asked

"I'm fine Nora... I just need some time alone" Jaune said

He walked away from his teammates and walked down the hall for a while. As he walked down the hall he grabbed his Scroll and texted Neo that they needed to lay low until he got the plans, and also to keep him informed about what Cinder was planning. He then headed back to his room to think. He set his weapons to the side and just sat on his bed thinking and waiting. Once he heard what the plan was he could figure out a way to both counteract it as well as inform Watts and counteract whatever scheme he came up with.

"Hey there kid" Came a gruff voice

Jaune was startled and he quickly looked to his doorway to find Qrow. Jaune somewhat still wasn't fond of the man but Jaune could admit he respected him. Qrow came into his room and saw on Ren's bed which was opposite of Jaune.

"What do you want Qrow?" Jaune asked, sounding a little peeved

"You know, you got the same look that Oz used to have whenever he had to make a hard decision," Qrow said

Jaune was now confused, "what does that mean?"

"It means you're about to make a hard decision or thinking about doing one, just like Oz," Qrow told him "Can I tell you, something kid?" Qrow asked

Jaune looked at him and sighed "sure, whatever" Jaune replied

"As you know, I've been playing this little game with Oz for a long time, even before you were born, and let me tell you, for those of us who play this game, trust me when I say that death is just a few steps behind us, but for the people Like Oz, Jimmy, and Summer... Even Ruby and you, the leaders who think they have to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders... Well death comes quicker"

Jaune looked at him, "You don't think I know that? One wrong move by any leader might mean the death of them and their team, I've thought about that since I was given the position" Jaune told him

"True, I'm sure Ruby also thought the same way, but the way I see it right now, you got something big planned, something that could end either good or bad, I should know as I said, Oz had the same look," Qrow told him, "I told you that death is just a few steps behind us, well from what I'm seeing now, and how odd you've been behaving recently, the way I see it, death's got his hands wrapped around your neck kid... and he ain't ever letting go," Qrow said

Qrow then got up and was making his way to the door, hoping that the kid would take his words in. He was halfway out the door when:


"Yeah, kid?"

"If you had to make a decision that could save the people you love but they would hate you in return... would you take it?"

Qrow thought about it for a moment, but a smirk graced his face, "As long as they are safe... I'd take it" Qrow replied before leaving the blonde's room and leaving Jaune once again in deep thought.




Back with The Happy Huntresses, Robyn and Fiona had arrived back and they were discussing the next course of action with May and Joanna

"So Ironwood finally told the Council about Salem?" Joanna asked

Robyn nodded, "yeah, I went along with acting surprised for Jaune's sake... but there's something else going on here"

"what do you mean?" May asked

"Watts that guy that was the cause of the warehouse blackout, they had got him when he met up with Jaune, and somehow during the night, he escaped" Robyn replied

"what!? But how!?" Fiona cried

"I'm wondering that myself" Robyn replied "It's a bold move to break into Atlas Academy, not to mention almost impossible to escape with all the Huntsmen and Huntresses in training being there"

"Could it be that Tyrian guy that busted him out?" Jonna chimed in

Fiona shook her head, "No, he's crazy, but not that crazy... it had to be someone who could get past everyone without bein' seen" Fiona told them

"So maybe it's another one of their friends?" May piped in

"Possible, and Jaune might know who if it was anyone else," Fiona told them

Robyn was in deep thought, Fiona was right that it had to be someone that could easily sneak past the guards. Either with familiarity or they had the semblance to turn invisible, she was guessing Jaune freed him in order to get some information out of him, but he was with them when they got there and if Watt's escaped earlier, Ironwood would've been notified then, so it at to be some new person and if it was Jaune or his friends might know who.

"We need to talk to Jaune or one of his friends, they might know who it could be," Robyn said

"Good idea, I'll give him a call," Fiona said

"No, we need to do it in person, I don't want it being over a scroll," Robyn told her "text him that we need to talk to him or at least one of his friends"

Fiona looked to her and nodded. Robyn still thought there was something else going on if the person that broke Watts out had gotten in, did that mean they knew the layout of the school? it was not easy to get around a huntsman academy, you'd have to at least be there for a few weeks to know, and for someone to know where the academy also held prisoners waiting for a court date must mean they had been at the academy before or was given access on where to go. However, it was possible that Watts might have guessed he could've been caught so he could've handed some instructions to another one of his companions in the case he was captured. There were a lot of possibilities but the first two seemed more likely. The question again was who was it? They would just have to wait until they could speak with Jaune or any of his friends.

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