Target (Luke)

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You went into Target after you had spilled a drink on your shirt. You decided to go to Target because there was this really cute guy that worked there.

He was tall with piercing blue eyes and blonde hair. His name was Luke, you only knew that from his name tag. He seemed awkward since you once saw him knock over a rack of CDs he had to put on display.

You walked in and looked around for a shirt, but you couldn't find one you liked. You walked to the men's section since they had better graphic tees.

You spotted Luke folding clothes by the graphic tee section. You walked over and saw plenty of band tees.

You had picked up a Nirvana shirt and you heard Luke speak up.

"I have that shirt." You looked at him and smiled. "It's very comfortable."

You got your size and looked back at Luke.

"I actually need a new CD for my car, would you help me pick something out?" You smiled at him. He put down the clothes and walked with you to the music section. You exchanged names and began to talk about music.

After you discussed your music tastes, he helped you pick out quite a few CDs to choose from.

"Nice one, Hemmings." A guy with colorful hair gave Luke a thumbs up after he walked by. His eyes widened as you laughed.

"Who was that?" You asked after you laughter stopped.

"A guy who works here, Michael." You nodded as he sighed.

"Is that all you needed help with?" He asked as you walked back through the clothes.

"Actually, there's one more thing I need."

"What is that?" He asked.

"Your number."

With that, he leaned on a rack of clothes and knocked half of them over. He began to apologise and he wouldn't meet my eyes.

"You're an idiot, Lucas." The same worker said as he passed by again.

Luke quickly put everything back in its place before facing me.

"Let me see your phone, Luke. Maybe you won't knock anything over as you get it out of your pocket." You laughed as Luke turned red.

"You're adorable."

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