When You're Sad

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"Babe." Calum walked in the room with a big smile.

You wiped your eyes and put on a smile for him.

"Guess what Luke just did! He-were you just crying?" His smile fades as he rushes to your side.

"I don't even know what's wrong. I just want to cry."

"Wait just a moment."

You heard him walk into the kitchen. Seconds later you heard him talking.

"Hey, Mali? Is it normal for girls to randomly cry?"

"Yes, gosh, don't scream at me!" He hissed.

"I didn't know!" He whined.

You giggled and rolled your eyes.

This boy.


The dog you've had since you were eight years old, passed away. You were crying on your bed with Ashton right beside you.

"Hey, baby. Don't be sad. I know your dog just passed away but we can buy a new one! We can have a puppy of our own! The boys have actually been talking about it since Calum loves dogs. Will that be alright?" Ashton speedily talks.

"Ashton, sure. I'd love to get a dog." You smiled slightly.

"Great! We only need one so we won't have to worry about you being overwhelmed once we go on tour. You may have to get with Calum and talk with him about dogs. He wants a-"

"Babe, shut up."


Your boyfriend has been on tour for a month and you've been missing him. He randomly called you when you were crying over him.

"Hello?" You tried to sound normal.

"What happened? Were you crying?" He asked concerned.

"It's fine, don't worry."

You heard shuffling and then you clearly heard a woman's voice.

"Luke! She's your girlfriend!"

You giggled as Liz scolded her son on not knowing why you were upset.

He came back on the line and chuckled.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too, babe."


Your boyfriend of a year just broke up with you. You drove over to your best friend's house as quickly as you could.

"Michael!" You call as you open the door.

You heard feet going down the stairs and Michael appeared.

Tears pooled your eyes and he pulled you into a hug.

"Weren't you supposed to be on a date?" He asked confused.

"He b-broke up with me." Michael froze and then hugged you tighter.

"Aw, it's okay. He isn't worth crying over. Let's sit on the couch, okay? You'll be okay, I promise."

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