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Mentions of suicidal thoughts

Once Jimin's beating session was over he was sent to his room, where he sat on his bed, one would say his was crying but Jimin would just say his eyes were leaking.

He didn't see it as crying, to him he was just sitting on his bed as his eyes leaked and his back bleed slightly.

At least it's just my back

he thought

Lucky for Jimin he didn't do any self harm but unlucky for him he had suicidal thoughts, thoughts that made him want to kill himself in the most peaceful ways like being put to sleep and then injected with a chemical that would kill him instantly.

Jimin knew there were other peaceful ways to die ways that he could actually commit to but he never did, why? Because he was scared, he scared that just as he was dying he would start to regret he would find a reason to live but he wouldn't be able to because he was already to far gone.

As usual like every other day Jimin sat on his bed thinking about all the things that clouded his mind one thought slowly leading to another and so on untill his alarm went off alerting him that it was 6:00am.

Just like that 5 hours passed and Jimin had to get ready for school.

He got up and went in the shower the warm water that hit his back made him want to cry so fucking much but he held it in because crying was something Jimin told himself he was to old to do.

Once Jimin had finished showering he cleaned up his back one way or another even though it was difficult he still managed. When he was done he on his jumper and glasses before walking out his room making sure to lock it.

Before Jimin could reach the stairs his sister grabbed his wrist pulling him back "Jimin your face, I know you hate looking in the mirror but you need to look at your face and clean it you look a mess I'm saying this for your sake" Jisoo said handing Jimin a pack of whipes, consealer and a brush.

"I don't know how to apply it" Jimin said pushing the stuff away Jisoo sighed dragging her brother to her room she was rarely nice to him and if she was it was when their parents weren't around.

Jimin was greatful for that but he knew the reason she wasn't nice was because she was scared, she was scared that if they saw her being nice they would beat and slap her like they did to Jimin something she didn't want to happen.

That was the reason Jimin decided she didn't deserve his respect because she was scared and blamed it on her fear, saying it was because she was scared that she would shout at him when their parents saw them together.

But anyways back the story.

Jisoo dragged Jimin into her room and sat him down on the bed she took the consealer and applied it to his bruises the only one she left was the scar he had under his eye.

"Even if you do this it won't change anything I'll still feel the pain" Jimin sighed "I know Jimin but I also know that you don't like being questioned about it" Jisoo responded.

"Don't act like you fucking know me and just hurry up I'm not in the mood for this shit" Jimin hissed.



Once Jisoo had finished covering up Jimin's bruises she made Jimin look in the mirror something he had done in the past weeks and shit was he shocked at how he looked.

He looked beautiful, he looked amazing and he loved it but deep under he knew that wasn't how he actually looked and he had bruises underneath "enough looking at yourself in mirror go before mum and dad wake" Jisoo said.

"Alright thanks" Jimin said grabbing the consealer, brush and wipes "I'll be keeping these, you can ask dad for money to buy a new one" Jimin said "Forget about that.. your birthday.. What do you want for your birthday?" Jisoo asked.

"Maybe dad to stop hitting me with his belt?" Jimin laughed Jisoo didn't "I'm joking, maybe a watch would be nice" Jimin said walking out of her room a small smile making it's way to Jisoo lips.

Jimin put the consealer in his bag before rushing downstairs ignoring the pain in his leg as he put on his shoes and silently left the house.

When Jimin walked into class he noticed something unusual, Jimin is usually the only early person who comes early but today Yoongi was there. And he didn't even notice Jimin untill he heard the sound of Jimin's chair moving as he sat down.

Yoongi jumped up from his seat "shit! Thank goodness your ok! I thought something would have happened to yo-holy fuck something happened that's why your wearing consealer!" Yoongi examined.

"Is it that obvious?" Jimin asked "no! Not at all I can only tell because I've used it before and I was examining your face I also just assumed, but anyways what happened to you? Did your mum do anything to you? You know you can't lie and say you fell I didn't believe what you said yesterday an-" before Yoongi could continue Jimin cut him off "Yoongi calm down I'm not going anywhere" Jimin said.

"Sorry I was just so worried I know what it's like not coming home on time" Yoongi said "your parents are also abusive?!" Jimin asked.

Seeing Yoongi's face expression change into a confused one and then a panicking one Jimin realized what he had just done.

He had just told Yoongi his parents were abusive.


𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓭 ~𝔳𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨~Where stories live. Discover now