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"There is something else I want" Jimin said.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked turning to look at Jimin, Taehyung doing the same "Um.. well there's 2 different things I want from both of you" Jimin said his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"What is it?" Taehyung asked "well from Jungkook I want to hold his hand" Jimin said if it wasn't for the alcohol Jimin wouldn't have half the courage he has now.

"And from me?" Taehyung asked Jimin turned his head to look at him "I want to...kiss you".

"Why do you want to kiss him and not me? You should hold his hand and kiss me" Jungkook said "but I've already kissed you and held his hand I want to know why it feels like to hold your hand, and to kiss him" Jimin said turning to Jungkook.

"You kissed him?" Taehyung asked "why?" He added "it just happened in the spur of the moment, but anyways let's forget about that, are we gonna give him what he wants or not?" Jungkook asked taking Jimin's hand in his.

"I guess" Taehyung said cupping Jimin's cheeks and turning his face towards him "are you sure?" Taehyung asked "yeah If you don't want to do it then you don't have to" Jimin said

"I do want to do it" Taehyung assured "then what are you waiting for?" Jungkook asked "just kiss him already" he added "alright" Taehyung said closing the gap between him and Jimin's lips.

The feeling was different from when Jimin kissed Jungkook it was more innocent, but when Jimin kissed Taehyung it was less innocent and he enjoyed it alot more.

Taehyung's lips on Jimin's, moving in sync untill Taehyung softly bit Jimin's lip enough to allow him to open his mouth for Taehyung to slid his tongue into Jimin's mouth.

Taehyung let go of Jimin's face his hands moved to Jimin's back accidentally applying the slightest amount of pressure to it, though it was enough to make Jimin snap out of the kiss and push Taehyung off a string of saliva connected their lips for a second before it broke.

"Sorry Jimin I forgot about your back" Taehyung apologized "it's ok you didn't mean it" Jimin smiled "damn it's like you guys forgot about my while you were kissing" Jungkook sighed.

"We didn't forget about you" Jimin said turn to face him before pecking his lips, an action that left Jungkook shocked. But also craving more.

"Again" Jungkook said Jimin didn't have to be told twice, within the next second there lips were locked. Both kissing each as if their lives depended on it.

Untill Jungkook broke the kiss "How are we supposed to hold you if we can't touch your back?" Jungkook asked "I guess you just can't hold me then" Jimin said letting go of Jungkook's hand and getting up.

"Alright let's go to bed I'm tired" Jimin said.


Jimin was the one that said he was tired but was the only one that couldn't sleep.

He was worried, about whether his parents where bothered about him going out

Whether or not he would get into trouble.

Whether or not they would find out about his gifts and if they did would he get in trouble?

It wasn't untill Jimin heard Taehyung's bedroom door shut that he snapped out of his thoughts looking over at the door to see Taehyung walking over to him.

"When did you get out of your bed?" Jimin asked "a minute ago to use the bathroom, are you ok?" Taehyung asked "yeah I'm fine" Jimin smiled "why were you crying?" Taehyung asked.

"Crying?" Jimin questioned wiping his cheek, it was wet "oh I didn't even realise, I was just thinking about things" Jimin said "wanna talk about it?" Taehyung asked "uh.. no thanks" Jimin smiled.

"Ok well you should get some sleep it 4am" Taehyung said laying down beside Jimin "ok" Jimin said laying down, he knew he wasn't going to sleep but he didn't want Taehyung to worry anymore than he did.


When Taehyung woke which was at about 11am he were shocked to see Jimin already up well more like still up since he didn't sleep, Taehyung himself knew he couldn't get 5 hours of sleep and still function and Jimin didn't look like he had just woken up so that was confusing.

"When did you wake up Jimin?" Taehyung asked as they sat and ate breakfast "um.. a few minutes before you" Jimin lied "oh so you only got 5 hours of sleep?" Taehyung asked "um.... I'll just be honest.... I didn't sleep" Jimin sighed.

"Why not?" "I told you I have Insomnia" Jimin said "when was the last time you slept?" Jungkook asked joining in on the conversation.

"Why?" Jimin asked raising an eyebrow "I'm just curious" Jungkook said "Tuesday was the last time I slept" "for how long?" "About 4 hours why?" Jimin asked.

"So you haven't slept in the last four day and when you did it was for 4 hours?" Taehyung asked "yes.. why?" Jimin asked once more "how do you survive so long without sleep?" Jungkook asked.

"I just do" Jimin smiled "alright your going to sleep, your gonna sleep untill Jisoo comes to get you" Taehyung said getting up "no.. I'm not tired there's no point in me just waisting time try to sleep" Jimin said taking out his phone.

Where he saw messages from his mum with a sigh he clicked on them.


Pick up some shopping before you
come home!
Send Jisoo home just you will get
the shopping, I've already sent the
money don't forget
Come home by 12pm



"shit!" Jimin said getting up "what is it?" Taehyung asked "I have to do some shopping before with go home and I'm supposed to be home by 12 it's 11:24 right now I don't have alot of time" Jimin sighed.

"We can help you then" Jungkook offered "I'm sorry to bother you guys" Jimin said "it's fine" Taehyung smiled.


Why do I always cringe when I write
kissing scenes with tongue?!
Also I can't believe I forgot to update on
Sunday and didn't even notice untill today!

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