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After about 5 hours of thinking Jimin's phone went off it was an alarm for the time he was ment to leave Taehyung's house.

Jimin sighed he'd rather continue thinking than go home but he had no choice, so he got up off the sofa he had been sitting on the last 5 hours and heading up to Taehyung's room to say his good byes.

Yes they weren't necessary happy with each other the moment but Jimin didn't want to be a bitch and just leave with out saying anything.

And he knew he could just text or leave a note, but he wanted to see Taehyung so that's why he was currently standing outside of Taehyung's room.

He had knocked on the door a few seconds ago and was now waiting for a response.

When Taehyung opened the door he doesn't know what he was expecting but he didn't expect Jimin to come to say his good byes.

"Um... I'm going now. And I thought I should just let you know" Jimin smiled slightly, Taehyung looked at him softly "how could you smile like that after everything" Taehyung asked.

"If I don't smile then I'll probably cry" Jimin responded Taehyung sighed before pulling Jimin into a hug although he made sure not to touch his back.

"Jimin, I really really don't want you to go, can't you just stay here?" Taehyung asked "Taehyung I've just come to say bye I need to get home" Jimin said hugging him back "it's 9:14, I'll drive you home" Taehyung whispered.

"I know it's not easy but sometimes I wish I could just kidnap you and run off to a place where there's no trouble" Taehyung said his voice coming out broken.

Jimin could tell he was crying "Tae, don't cry.. I'm sure I'll be ok" Jimin said, Taehyung let go of Jimin "I'm sorry" Taehyung apologized "why are you sorry you didn't do anything wrong" Jimin said whipping Taehyung's tears.

"I feel bad, maybe I shouldn't have said what I said earlier" Taehyung said "no. I'm glad you said it. It always better to hear what others think" Jimin smiled.

Taehyung sniffled as he tears slowly stopped. "Alright I'm gonna get ready and then we'll drop you home" Taehyung smiled "ok, I'll wait in the front room" Jimin said turning to walk away only for Taehyung to grab his arm and pull him back placing his lips on Jimin's.

Although Jimin was shocked it only took him a few seconds to return the kiss. It was different from the one they and shared a few days ago. It was more innocent it wasn't filled with lust but rather filled with love.

It was just their lips on each others.

That's all that mattered at that moment.


"Once again thanks for dropping me home" Jimin said to Taehyung "it's really fine" Taehyung said "well I'll see you tomorrow" Jimin said getting of Taehyung's car, he waved at him with a smiled before walking over to his house where his smiled completely faded.

Putting his key into door and unlocking Jimin walked into his house.

He was hit with the smell of alcohol, reminding him of just how fucked up his life was something he had forgotten for a short period of time.


Yep it's short I'm sorry!
But double update!

𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓭 ~𝔳𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨~Where stories live. Discover now