Saved 열(10)

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"Ding dong ding dong!" The sound of the door bell ringing echoed through the house, waking up the sleeping people.

"Taehyung get the door please" Jimin sighed he was too tired to move and was very comfortable holding on to Jungkook.

With a sigh Taehyung got out of bed and went down stairs to open door.

Taehyung couldn't help but sigh once more when he pulled open the door to see Yerin "what are you doing here?" Yerin asked her face instantly turning into a frown "Jimin let Jungkook and I stay because we couldn't drive home after drinking" Taehyung said.

"You could have called a taxi" Yerin said walking in, making sure to bump into Taehyung making him stumble back slightly.

"I'm guessing that thing on your neck is from Jungkook" Yerin said pointing to Taehyung's neck.

Taehyung quickly put his hand over it, his cheeks turning a light shade of red "eww are you and Jungkook gay?" She asked her face showing how disgusted she was.

"I don't see why Jimin accepts people like you guys" she said rolling her eyes before Taehyung could answer.

His blush was long gone and he was just looking at her with pure disgust "is there something wrong with us being gay?!" Taehyung asked "it's disgusting and it's just not right" Yerin said.

"I'm sure Jimin would be happy to hear this" Taehyung smiled turning to walk away but stopping when Yerin spoke "go ahead he wouldn't believe you anyways, Jimin not only loves me but is completely head over heels for me, so tell him, I don't care" she said.

Taehyung just rolled his eyes and walked up to Jimin's room, when he saw Jimin and Jungkook cuddling his heart softened slightly but as he heard Yerin's footsteps his blood began boiling again.

With a sigh Taehyung went up to Jungkook and Jimin pulling the apart it wasn't easy but he did it anyways "Taehyung what are you doing?" Jimin asked.

"We're leaving thank you for letting us stay Jimin it was much appreciated but we're going" Taehyung said as Yerin entered the room Taehyung being the only person who noticed her as he pulled a tired Jungkook off of Jimin's bed.

"Can't I just sleep a little longer? I'm tired" Jungkook whined "no Yerin is here to spend time with her lovely boyfriend" Taehyung told sarcasm thick in his tone.

"Now? It's only 10am" Jimin sighed "yes Jimin I'm here now, we need to go see my mum she has been asking when your gonna come round" Yerin said scaring Jimin slightly.

"I just saw her last week, why do I need to see her again?" Jimin asked as Jungkook stood up "she wants to talk" Yerin said "talk about?" Jimin asked watching Taehyung and Jungkook walk over to the door.

"About us getting married" Yerin said, those 4 words completely stopped Taehyung and Jungkook "what!?" Jimin asked "w-why do you see so shocked?" Yerin asked.

"Yerin I know you are my girlfriend and stuff but I've never seen myself marrying you" Jimin admitted a small smile making it's way to Taehyung's lips "what?" Yerin asked it was now her turn to be shocked.

"T-then why date me?" Yerin asked forcing her eyes to water, seeing her eyes water, Jimin instantly stood up and rushed to her side rubbing her back and saying "I'm sorry, I'll go to see your mum, don't cry yeah?"

"What about marrying me?" Yerin asked "of course I... I would marry y-you, I-I.... I was just j-joking... Yeah that's all" Jimin said kissing her cheek as he patted her head.

Just like that Taehyung's smile instantly faded as he pulled Jungkook out of the room mumbling a bunch of curse words as they made their way downstairs.


"Taehyung what's going, why are you so angry?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung drove him home "how can you not be mad! She literally just faked tears to make him stay with her!" Taehyung said.

"They didn't look fake to me" Jungkook shrugged "it's not just that she's homophobic!" Taehyung said "look Taehyung if you don't want to tell me why you're mad then just say so instead of making up lies about Jimin's girlfriend" Jungkook sighed.

"I'm not lying!" Taehyung whined "how can she be homophobic, Hoseok and Yoongi are literally dating and she didn't say anything about them yesterday" Jungkook said

"But this morning she was literally talking trash about us and this hickey! Jungkook I'm not lying I hate her but I wouldn't make up shit about her!" Taehyung sighed.

"I'm sorry Taehyung I would love to believe you but I just can't" Jungkook sighed "what do I have to do to make you believe me?" Taehyung asked "bring me proof, if you can bring me proof within the next 2 weeks I'll believe you" Jungkook said.

"Trust me I'll definitely have proof by then" he smiled


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