Let's talk about the title!

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That was the only thing that I thought would suit the story when I thought  about how they would reunited and date again, I mean I could have named it so many other things if I wanted to but I decided not to.

Saved is displayed in many ways.

How Yerin 'Saved' Jimin from going into dark places.

How Jungkook and his family Saved his sister by getting help in Busan.(she could have gotten worse you know)

How the three boys Saved their relationship.

I'm not sure if many people realised that Jimin was very dependent on people, which was the main reason he was with Yerin, I for one was very dependent on my friends, so I can slightly relate.

But for people that don't depend on anyone can't really relate, as well as when I was writing this I had a hard time describing how Jimin really felt and telling you(the readers) alot of the information that would help you to understand better.

Unfortunately I didn't put much thought into this title I wish I could have before I posted it but I didn't so I want to say I'm sorry, you won't be getting a super long talk about the title.

But something I will say was while I struggled with this story alot(hence why some chapters are written bad), I really enjoyed writing it, I did get a bit frustrated when I was writing but when I was proofreading I could see the difference.

The difference between chapters I enjoyed writing and didn't enjoy writing the chapter that I struggled with despite enjoying and the once that I didn't struggle with despite not enjoying it.

I can also see how much I've improved when I wrote this story the only thing I used to write after someone said something was 'said' and when they asked something it was 'asked' but now..

When someone said something I writed 'informed' or 'explained' if they are telling someone something.

I write 'stated' or 'said' if they just spoke.

And if I wanna say how they said it I'll said 'smiled', 'cried', 'laughed' or 'giggled'.

Now I'm more creative so I won't just constantly say said as that is very annoying as well as the names, I noticed I was saying the characters names in almost every paragraph and it got annoying when editing so I started saying:

The boy instead of  Jimin
The girl instead of Sanhee
The trio instead of Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin
The two instead of Taehyung and Jungkook
Their lover instead of Taehyung
His best friend instead of Sanhee
Their sister instead of Jisoo/Mihyun/Junghye
Their teacher instead of Jin
The group instead of Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Sanhee and Songha.

And so much more!

I think I gonna end the LTTAT here as I'm not really talking about the title, I wanna say a big thank you to all the readers and voters I'm so happy that H&S made it to 12.9k views and 590 votes before I finished publishing!

Also three bonus chapters will be out next week as a thank you.

Oh and if you enjoyed this book then go ahead and check out my other books:

Completed {Jikook} books

Completed {Jikook} books

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Completed {Namjin} Book

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Completed {Namjin} Book

Completed {Namjin} Book

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Completed {VMin} Book

Completed {VMin} Book

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Ongoing {Vmin} Books

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Alright see you next week

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Alright see you next week.

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