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Once the trio had gotten their shopping they headed to the Park's House Taehyung subconsciously following behind as they talked not really questioning it until they reached the house and a lady came rushing out.

Taehyung didn't fail to notice how quickly the mood died down

"Oh my god! See I knew you would come home on time if you were with Jisoo" the lady said "oh! Who is this young man?" She added.

Taehyung opened his mouth to speak but before he could utter a word Jisoo spoke "he's my friends, his name is Kim Taehyung, yes! That reminds me we were wondering if Jimin and I could go over to his house next Saturday he's having a sleep over party and I was thinking of taking Jimin since I know he would only get in your way at home" Jisoo said.

"We can deal with him you don't need to take him" Mrs Park said "no I wanted to just take him he seems to getting less social able lately as well" Jisoo said.

Taehyung noticed how she only insulted Jimin instead of complementing him, and how Jimin just looked down at his feet.

Jimin also noticed that but he felt bad he could see how hard Jisoo was trying.

"Alright you can take him by if he causes trouble you can call me I'll definitely deal with him" Mrs park smiled showing her yellow teeth. More like brown.

"Are you guys done? You've been talking for like 25 minutes" Jimin said rolling his eyes at that moment he totally forgot about Taehyung.

"Don't think I forgot about what you said on the phone Park Jimin!" Mrs park warned "I don't mind saying again if you forget, it doesn't make a difference all you fucking do is slap me again and aga-" Jimin was cut of by Mrs Park's hand making contact with his cheek as a sigh left Jisoo's lips.

"Your dad's here I'll happily let him deal with you" Mrs park said "looks like I'm not going to school tomorrow" Jimin sighed as Mrs park dragged him inside saying "you are going to school limping or not limping".

Taehyung was the only one that heard Jisoo saying "shut up Jimin" although it was quiet he still managed to hear it.

It wasn't untill there was a scream from inside the house that Jisoo turned to Taehyung saying "I'll see you on Saturday" before she rushed inside the house slamming the door behind her leaving a confused Taehyung to listen to Jimin's screams.


When Jimin didn't come to school the next day it only made Taehyung more worried especially since everyone he asked didn't know where he was.

He asked Jungkook, he asked Hoseok, Yoongi and even Mr Kim who said he was confused as to why Jimin wasn't there he always came no matter what even if he was sick he still came.

So as soon it was break time he called Jimin but he didn't answer so he, Hoseok and Yoongi made a plan to visit him after school.

As soon as the bell for home rang the 3 boys grabbed their things and dashed out of the class. But as they reached the exit of the school they noticed a familiar figure walking up to them.

That figure was none other than Jeon Jungkook "are you guys going to check up on Jimin?" Jungkook asked "yeah why?" Taehyung asked "let me come with you" Jungkook said "shit no, I don't trust you or the guys you sit with" Yoongi said.

"Yoongi I've never laid a finger on you or Jimin and what Yugyeom and Eunwoo do has nothing to do with me and if anything I'm truly sorry for what happened to you, as well as you and I both know the bruises Jimin had yesterday was not from either of us three so please just relax?" Jungkook sighed.

"Alright but if you ever touch Jimin I will break your dick!" Yoongi said "alright alright" Jungkook said raising his hands in the air.

"Guys are you done we need to go if Jimin is in danger we might not have long to save hi-" "oh my god! Thank goodness I caught on to you guys before you left!" Someone interrupts as they ran up to the four boys.

Luckily Taehyung recognised that voice, it was Jisoo she was out of breath and bending over trying to catch her breath when she reached them.

"P-please tell me y-your not going to visit Ji-Jimin" she panted "we are, how is he? Is he ok? He wasn't answering my calls and it didn't seem to good yesterday how is he?" Taehyung asked.

" he's fine" Jisoo said, Jisoo was a terrible liar but she knew she had to do it for Jimin unfortunately all four boys saw the lie in her words

"The truth Jisoo" Taehyung said "shit.. I haven't seen him yet he doesn't want to talk to me but you need stop calling to him and definitely don't come to my house and if you do, don't say your his friend say you've come to see me- shit" Jisoo cursed seeing her phone ring.

She quickly answered "hello" "Jisoo how long do you think your brother will stay locked up?" Mrs park asked Jisoo could already tell she was drunk.

"Not to long" Jisoo responded "well he's been in there long enough I think that for every minute he stayed there for he should get a beating" Mrs park said.

Jisoo made sure to keep her gasp in as she moved the phone from her ear turning to Taehyung and the others "please just listen to what I said" she said before putting the phone back to her ear and walking away.

Once again Taehyung was left confused but his time it wasn't just him.

"You have a lot of explaining to do!" Yoongi said grabbing Taehyung's arm and pulling it over to his car so they could talk.


This chapter maybe very confusing if so
please let me know and I'll explain it!

𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓭 ~𝔳𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨~Where stories live. Discover now