Saved 스물여덟 (28) Final

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Jungkook eventually ended up staying over at Jimin's house, both boys wanted to hold each other but neither of them knew if the other was ok with it, so they slept separately.

On Sunday morning the boys were woken up by Jungkook's phone alarm going off.

They had breakfast before Jimin drove Jungkook home. The boys saw Jungkook's mother when they arrived and she instantly invited Jimin inside which resulted in him spending the rest of the day at with Jungkook's family.

The day went by just as fast as Monday did and before they knew it, it was Tuesday and the boys were at the café in which Taehyung worked at.

Something they didn't expect was to see Taehyung so grumpy.

"So what exactly did you want?" Was the first thing Taehyung said to the two boys that sat in front of him.

Taehyung had been working yet again that day and he looked beyond pissed off.

"You alright?" Jungkook asked "I'm fine, just tell me what you needed" Taehyung said "you said something about us talking" he added.

"About that, Jungkook and I talked about us on Saturday night and we decided-" before Jimin could finish explained he was cut off by a lady who walked over to the trio and instantly began talking despite knowing that Jimin was talking.

"Kim Taehyung! How many times do I have to tell you about slacking? We have orders to take and customers to serve" the lady said.

A deep sigh left Taehyung's lips before he stood up and spoke "I'll only be a minute guys" he said walking off though Jungkook and Jimin could here just how much more  annoyed he had become when that lady showed up.

"Let's go then" Taehyung said to the lady before the two walked away.

20 minutes later was when Taehyung came back and this time he had a small smile on his face.

"Alright now that I actually have some time what were you saying Jimin?" He asked his voice slightly softer and less harsh than before "...uh... I was saying that Jungkook and I talked on Saturday and we uh...we thought that maybe we could try dating again" Jimin said.

Jungkook was holding his hand under the table it made things easier for Jimin.

But the silence that followed Jimin's words only made him nervous he thought Taehyung would have been over the moon and would have immediately said yes.

But he didn't instead he just stayed silent.

Jimin's gaze that had been on the floor looked up when at Taehyung, his eyes instantly widened when he saw Taehyung's eyes watering "us 3? Us 3 get back together?" He asked.

Jungkook nodded to his words that's when a tear rolled down Taehyung's cheek "for real?" He asked "mhh" Jimin nodded.

"This isn't a dream?" Taehyung asked covering his face not wanting the two boys before him to see him crying "it's not a dream" Jungkook said getting and bring Taehyung into a hug. Jimin joining in a second later.


"So what's with the sudden change of heart?" Taehyung asked it had been a few hours since the boys had talked about getting back together.

Taehyung had finished work about 15 minutes ago and the boys went to Jimin's house to talk properly, since he said he didn't like the café much.

So right now the boys were gathered round in the living room talking.

"Don't get angry" Jimin said "I won't" Taehyung smiled lightly "it started from that day I called to and asked I you got home ok... I remember everything you said... I remember you telling me you love me... And I remember saying it back" Jimin explained keeping his gaze low he didn't want to know what face Taehyung was making.

Instead of saying anything Taehyung stayed silent and waited for Jimin to continue.

"When you asked me if I remember I said no.. I didn't want to give you hope because I was scared that if I told you I loved you.. you would try to get us back together, something I didn't want, I couldn't stop thinking that if we get together then we would break up again, I was scared" Jimin sighed.

"But then I heard you and Jungkook talking in the  bathroom... And I felt so bad... I didn't think you would be that upset about it.. but you were and I didn't feel like there was anything I could do.. I went home and got a little drunk, I called you but you didn't pick up and I don't blame you... I then called Jungkook, we began talking and we actually talked it hurt when I asked him how he felt and he told me he felt like the third-wheel I had a feeling but hearing him actually say it hurt.. and the only think I could say was I'm sorry.. but anyways we met at my house and we continued talking, I decided to put my fears aside and love you guys and be with you guys... if you still wanted me".

"I realize we were all hurting when we weren't together, even Jungkook who didn't show us he was hurting even you who didn't show me you were hurting and even I was hurting, everytime I told I touched one of you it set off butterflies, it was painful but the fear of us breaking up clouded my judgement and made me ignore the pain we all went through" Jimin said.

When he finished speaking he felt so much better finally being able to tell Taehyung how he really felt.

"I'm sorry... And I love you" Jimin said. The word I love you was enough to make Taehyung's eyes water "say it again" he mumbled.

"I love you" Jimin said making eye contact with Taehyung "you too Jungkook" he said "I love you both... I really do" Jungkook smiled.

"Me too I love you guys"

Love is truly a beautiful feeling and the fact that they were all feeling each others love just felt amazing.


This is the end thank you for reading
the whole of season 1 and 2, I am honestly so thankfully.
Also the LTATT will be up soon!

𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓭 ~𝔳𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨~Where stories live. Discover now