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It was dark and cold. The smell of disinfectant greeted my nose. Suddenly memories of my past where I had smelled these scents continuously flooded into my head.
" It's impeccable. The boy and girl share the same gift." The person got down on one knee and peeked into the cage.
" Hello little boy." The person was a woman. " Don't worry this will all be over soon."
" When this is over I'm going to dissect his brain. Ooh I can't wait."
" Oh no you won't" I lunged at the bars on my cage. She pulled back immediately laughing.
" Let me go, you idiot." I snarled my teeth at her.
" Oh, honey I can't do that." She chuckled and turned sharply towards the guy standing next to her.
" Sedate him and get him prepped for examination." The guy nodded and grabbed a needle from the tray behind him.
The woman got back down on one knee. " Before you go, I want to give you something you have never gotten before."
I looked back at her with wide eyes. She knew I could hear her.
" Yes, I know all about your little gift you and your sister both have. But don't worry soon you and your sister will be reunited."
Something pricked the back of my neck and the world went fuzzy.
" Allie please stay away." I was hoping she could hear me.
Bright lights flash by as they rush me down the hallway. I looked over at the woman. She was mumbling to herself and I caught a little of what she said. ' This is taking too long. Why did they have to put the examination room in the very back?'
That was all I could hear but, in her mind, I could hear loud and clear that she was impatient. " I can't wait to give this little rodent what he deserves."
Excuse me but I am no rodent. I'm a little offended now. Coming back to reality they pushed the bed through a set of doors and settled the gurney in what I expected was the middle of the room. A male nurse puts these sticky pads on my chest. Then another nurse sticks a needle in my arm which kind of hurt to be honest.
" We've been waiting forever to try this experiment so you can't imagine how excited we all are."
" Oh, believe me I can just feel the excitement in your thoughts," I commented.
" Well that's good." She clasped her hands. " Now let's get this show on the road."
She walked over to the machine attached to my chest and turned up the dial. Immediately pain ignited in my body.
" Augh!" I cried out in pain.
She knelt down close to my face, " That's right. Cry out in pain all you want because deep down you know you deserve it."
She straightened back up and clasped her hands. " Now, let's see how you cope through the night."
" I'm tougher than you think." I said through clenched teeth but inside I was in tears from the pain.
" We'll see." She turned around and sauntered out of the room with the nurses trailing behind her.

Alessandra Faye Where stories live. Discover now