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A scream cutting through the air brings me back to the present. I whip my head towards where the boys were fighting. Dylan is on the ground, blood streaming onto the grass. Peter is standing over him breathing hard.
I start running towards them screaming. "Hey!"
I feel Elizabeth's toes on my heels. Peter looks at me as I arrive panting.
"What the heck is wrong with you!" I scream at him.
Elizabeth kneels beside Dylan. Her eyes are moving fast over his body as she examines his injuries. He's got a bad scratch from his eye to the end of his face on the left side. I grit my teeth. That's going to cause a bad scar. I look down towards his stomach and almost puke. There's a deep gash in his stomach. I stomp over to Peter and grab the knife from his hand.
"Where did you get this?"
He looks at the knife surprised. "I... I," he stutters.
"Where did you get this?" I repeat myself.
"I don't know." His forehead is covered in sweat.
I throw my arms up in frustration. "Well it sure didn't walk into your hand."
"I don't remember getting it."
"Oh, come on! Stop lying to me for goodness sakes." I say, frustrated.
"I'm telling the truth," he protests.
"Guys this is not the time to argue. We need to get Dylan help."
I look down at Dylan. He's barely awake, his breathing shallow.
"Where's the nearest gas station?" I ask Elizabeth.
She looks at me like I'm stupid or something for suggesting a gas station. "Are you stupid? We have to take him to a hospital."
"We can't."
"Why not?"
"We just can't. Alright!" I stammer.
She shakes her head, "Whatever."
"Just tell me where the nearest gas station is."
"It isn't far from here. Maybe a couple minutes or at least close to that."
"Okay." I kneel and take Dylan's body in my arms. He moans at the sudden movement.
"It's going to be okay." I can see him trying to form words unsuccessfully.
"I'm," he grimaces, "fine."
I nod my head at him. Signaling Elizabeth because I don't want Peter nowhere near him we pick him up. Peter watches us slowly as we make our way to the van.
"Someone's going to have to stay back here with him." I tell Elizabeth.
She nods. "I can do it."
"No problem." I look over at her. She's struggling with Dylan's weight but she's trying to hide it. Her green eyes squinted in concentration and her arms bent in a weird way around Dylan's body. A loose strand of hair gets in her face occasionally, then swings back to the side.
We finally get to the van after several grueling moments. Elizabeth sets his legs down first and then I follow with his head. He groans with the impact. I look back to where Peter's standing.
I motion him to come over with my hand. "You," I stab a finger at him, "come here."
He hangs his head and trudges our way. I don't know why he's acting like this. Shouldn't he be happy that he caused us so much pain? I mean he did just almost kill Dylan. It was probably his dream ever since he saw him.
I sigh waiting for him to approach us. When he does I shove him, past Dylan making sure he doesn't touch an inch of his body. I climb in after him carefully making sure I don't kick Dylan.
I point towards the seat where I had been strapped into. "Sit!"
He sits down slowly. I grab one of the straps and throw it across his arms tightly.
He winces at the discomfort. "Oh, stop it!" I yell at him.
I'm panting by the time I get the last strap tightened to the way I want it and then tightened some more.
"There." I say snidely, "Hope you're not comfortable."
"Alessandra." Elizabeth call me with a worried voice.
I turn my head towards her. She's looking at me nervously. "You better hurry. I don't think he'll be alive very soon."
When I see Dylan's stomach I know she's right. Infection has settled into the gash causing it to turn a nasty yellow.
"Did you take care of the driver?"
She nods and I climb out past her. I whisper to her, "Keep an eye on Peter."
"Got it." She climbs in, taking a seat cross legged beside Dylan.
I slide the door closed. Reaching the side door to the steering wheel I find the driver resting on the wheel. His head is turned towards me with his eyes glazed over.
"Great, now I have to move a dead body." I mumble to myself.
I pop open the door and grab the sleeve of the guy. Pulling him out slowly but as quickly as I possibly can he lands on the ground with a crunch.
"Ewe, so nasty." I step over the body with my hands held up and climb into the driver seat.
I use the edge of my hand to push the van into drive. I turn the wheel in a clockwise motion, pulling the car onto the dirt road. The wheels turn up dust as I move down the road. I hear a knock behind me and slow down.
"He's passed out. I can't wake him up!" her words come out quick.
Dang it! We won't be able to make it. I swerve to the right and shift the car into park.
I pound on the wall behind me. "He won't be able to make it. We're going to have to stop and leave him."
No sound comes from the other side. I take a deep breath and climb out of the van. Elizabeth is kneeling over Dylan when I pull open the door.
"Come on. Help me get him out." I don't bother to look at Dylan because I know if I do I'm just going to break down crying.
"We can't just leave him here." I look at her to see tears forming in her eyes.
"We don't have a choice." She's still looking at me sympathetically. "Are you going to help me or not?"
She doesn't say anything. "Fine." I take Dylan in my arms.
"What's happening?" his eyes flutter open. I look down at him and just like I said I feel a gut-wrenching pain in my stomach.
"Don't worry." I choke on my words. He seems to notice this and raises his head a little.
"Don't." I force back the tears threatening to stream down my face.
"Alessandra." His hand reaches up and takes my chin.
I look down at him. His blue eyes look at me in understanding and the tears start streaming down my face.
"I'm so sorry." I choke on my words.
"It's okay." He says reassuringly.
How can he be so okay with this? If I was him I would be fighting to get out of my hands but he seems ready to leave.
"I love you." He says as I gently lay him down on the grass.
"I love you too." I whisper to him.
"Always." I say as I lean down and plant my lips on his. The kiss tastes like saltwater from my tears.
When I pull back his eyes are staring up at the sky. His chest is still as it can be. I start crying hard and the tears fall onto his chest.

Alessandra Faye Where stories live. Discover now