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It seems like years when my tears come to a stop and I can finally breath. I just sit there looking at his beautiful blue eyes gleaming in the moonlight.
"Alessandra." Elizabeth's voice cuts through my daze.
I turn my head slowly towards her. My eyes are red and my shirt is partly soaked.
"I think we should go. Who knows if there's more of them coming."
I can't leave him just lying here but I know she's right. I rub the dirt on my hands onto my jeans and get up. Just as I'm about to leave Peter comes running towards me.
"Alessandra! Watch out." Elizabeth yells.
I look down to see Peter throwing what I thought was his knife but turned out to be something else towards me. I catch the thing and look down to see it was the remote Allie was holding. It was a tiny black thing, just barely visible in the moonlight.
"Turn it on!" Peter yells to me.
I feel a bump on the side of the remote and push it. A green light comes on and a needle comes out of the side, poking into my thumb. A soothing sensation goes through my body. Then a hand grabs my ankle making me jump a foot into the air.
No, it can't be! Dylan? I slowly look down afraid to find out what it is. I throw my hands up to my mouth, "Dylan!"
I collapse to the ground and take his face in my arms. "Oh, my goodness! I thought you were dead."
"He was dead." Peter speaks up.
I look back at Peter as I get up from my crouched position. "How did you get out?"
He shrugs his shoulder, "I am more flexible than you."
"Yeah, whatever." I look at him more closely. His eyes still have some white still swirling in them but not as much as I thought there would be. Maybe whatever that guy did to him is not taking effect like it should be.
I clear my throat. "So, how did you do that?" I cross my arms over my chest. It had suddenly gotten cold out here.
"I just bonded you all together."
Now I was confused. What did he mean by bonded?
"You felt something, right? When you guys first met."
I nod my head. I had felt something but I just thought it was the striking blue eyes staring at me intently.
"Then all I did was give you all a little push." He notices my confused look. "Allie knew something would happen with you all she just didn't know when."
"But she threatened to use that thing as a weapon." Now I am totally confused.
"It was an act. The guards didn't know what the thing was and they threatened to take it but she told them it was a weapon she had created when she found out that you weren't a capable leader."
Capable leader? What does she mean by that? I got her out of every problem she had, didn't I? I felt arms wrap around me.
"Thank you."
Peter nods his head at Dylan.
He looks back at Dylan then turns around to head back to the van.
"Yeah, Alessandra." He looks at me in a way I've never seen before.
"Thanks." I say quietly.
"Your welcome."
He hangs his head and turns back around. When he arrives at the van he looks back at me sympathetically. His eyes are filled with sadness. Elizabeth pulls him into the van and he's forced to look away. Something inside me tells me he's hiding something. But what?
"I love you." Dylan's voice brings me back to the present.
"I love you, too." Even though I can feel something pull at me deep down.
He grabs my shoulders and turns me towards him. Taking my chin, he kisses me softly. The feeling leaves me as quick as it came.
When he pulls away I whisper to him, "I thought I had lost you."
"Never." He looks at me with his blue eyes.
"Don't do that to me ever again." I can hear my voice crack.
"I won't."
"Promise me."
"I promise."
We stay there for a while. Then he takes my hand and looks at me.
"Are you ready?"
We make our way to the van underneath the stars.
"So, where to now?" Elizabeth asks us when approach the van.
I shrug my shoulders. "I have no idea."
"Well I think we are about find out." She points in the distance. I turn my head to see four shapes coming towards us.
"It's them." Dylan speaks up.
We wait in silence as the shapes get closer. I know what you're thinking. Why aren't we running for our lives? Have you ever heard the saying 'you got to face your fears'? Well if you haven't well then that's your loss but that's what we're doing right now. Facing our fears which is those shapes right now.
"Well what do we have here?" The guy with the beard yells loud enough for us to hear.
"Neighbors." I yell back.
Dylan looks at me with a weird expression.
"What?" I shrug my shoulders. "It was all I could think of."
He shakes his head in disappointment.
"Look you can give me roasting lessons when we get done with this situation."
He just laughs at me. "Okay."
"If you get out of this alive." Allie declares, as she approaches.
The other three take their places beside her. The guys on the right and Isabelle on the left.
"Hey. How's it going?" Dylan asks them calmly.
"Fine. Thank you." Isabelle replies snidely.
Dylan just nods his head.
I give a tired sigh. "What do you want?"
"Oh nothing. Just wanted to see how it was going." I notice him pull something out of his pocket. "You see, Alessandra, you're just too dangerous to have walking around in this world. So, I'm here to bring you to safety."
"Yeah...." A shrill sound meets my ears.
"Augh!" I scream.
I watch Dylan step forward then collapse with a scream. Elizabeth collapses next to him with her hands on her head. I can hear Peter screaming inside the van.
In the corner of my eye I see them pick up Dylan and throw him into the van. Elizabeth struggles against the guy with the beard. He kicks her in the head and her body goes limp. I feel hands grip my arms. I want to fight against them but I can't. My muscles have turned into jelly.
They throw me into the van and I collide into Dylan. He wraps his arm around me, pulling me into him.

Alessandra Faye Where stories live. Discover now