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I turn my head towards the guard that yelled.
"What are you doing out here?"
I look at his outfit. He's in all black with a walkie talkie strapped to his chest. I look at Ethan nervously. If they recognize me than we're all toast. He seems to notice my discomfort and smiles reassuringly.
"I asked you a question!"
Ethan turns his attention back onto the guard. "Sorry, sir. I didn't hear you. My name is Ethan Stone."
"Oh, sorry son. Didn't see you there." He looks at us. I tense up when his eyes land on me. His gaze doesn't last but a second on me and I release the breath I had been holding.
"Why do you have these initiates with you?"
Another guard speaks to the lead guard. "There imposters, sir. We need to punish them!"
The lead guard waves a hand in front of his face. He immediately takes his position again.
"I'm sure the boss's son has a reasonable explanation to why he's leading around freshman."
I look at Ethan in shock. I'm pretty sure all of us do. He's the boss's son!
"I do have a reasonable explanation. I was assigned to get them uniforms. It was my first time though so I had to get directions to the room. When I followed them, they led me to a dead end. So, I spent hours trying to find the room. Luckily I found it before I became dead."
"Who was this advisor you went to for directions?"
Ethan looks at the guard who had accused us as imposters. "You look so like the guy I asked for the directions."
The lead guard looks at the other guard. The guard's eyes get wide.
"Sir, he's lying!"
"Now, Jake, you know better than to think the boss's son would ever lie."
Jake looks at Ethan with terror.
"My fellow guards will you please lead Jake to the dungeons. Make sure he's nice and comfortable as he hangs from the ceiling from his feet. I'm sure by the time the blood rushes to his head the dogs will be hungry for their dinner."
A wave of coldness passes through my body making me shudder. I can feel Dylan tense up beside me. I remember the dream I had of Dylan. I'm pretty sure whatever Jake is getting is what Dylan suffered from. I begin to feel sorry for him but that feeling disappears when the voice pops up in my brain.
The screams of Jake bring me back to the present. I look at the lead guard. His eyes land on mine the exact second mine land on his. Suddenly the hallway feels like it has dropped thirty degrees. His green eyes look at me intently. I look back at him trying not to reveal the growing sickness in my stomach. If he recognizes me as Alessandra than everything will go downhill quick.
"Do I know you?" the guard asks me. His eyes narrow as he looks me up and down.
I stand there, my mind blank. Say something, Alessandra. Don't just stand there like a statue. Say something!
"I'm Ethan's girlfriend." I immediately regret the words as they hang in the air.
Dylan's eyes stare a hole into my shoulder. Great, I have another enemy to add to the long list. I feel so stupid for saying those words. What was I thinking? I know Dylan and I aren't together anymore but still. Ethan and I aren't together either so why did I say what I did? Was it the pressure of the guard's eyes on me or do I like Ethan? I don't know.
The guard looks at me for a while. I don't think he believes. Oh, gosh! He doesn't believe me. Yep, there's the look. I knew it, he doesn't believe me. Well, I'm dead. Nice knowing you all. Then the unexpected happens, I see a wave of familiarity pass through his face and a big smile spreads across it.
"Ah, I've heard so much about you."
His arms extend, embracing me in a giant hug. I groan uncomfortably. This must be the most embarrassing moment in my whole life and I once had eggs cracked on top of my head. He releases me, smiling.
"What's your name, young lad?"
I look nervously at Ethan. What am I supposed to say? Ethan looks at me nervously. He shakes his head telling me he doesn't know. I look at the guard awkwardly.
"Katy Howard." I put out my hand for him to shake.
I don't know why I did but it felt like the right thing to do.
"Katy. Such a nice name to call someone as beautiful as you."
Blushing, I nervously tuck a blonde piece of hair behind my right ear. I don't know why I did that too. I never act like a preppy girl but I seem to be acting like one right now.
"Well, that Ethan sure knows how to pick up a gal."
He takes my hand and shakes it.
"Ethan." He looks at him. "Do you need any help finding your way back."
Ethan shakes his head.
The guard sighs, "That's good. I have some business to do with an unruly kid."
"Peter." Allie's voice pops into my brain.
I look over at her. She's looking nervously at the guard.
"Peter's the one he has to take care of."
"Who's the kid, sir?" I ask him, praying that it's not Peter.
"He says his name is Peter. I don't know if it's true though."
With that he turns around on his heel and heads back the way he came. I turn towards Ethan with wide eyes.
"We have to get Peter before he gets there!"
"You're right but there's no way we'll get there before him."
"Well, we can try." I take off after the guard.
Dylan's statement makes me stop in my tracks.
"You sure know how to pick them, Alessandra."
I turn my eyes towards him. He's looking at me with his arms crossed over his chest.
"I can't deal with you right now, Dylan!" I yell at him.
He uncrosses his arm and heads towards me.
"Then when? We have to talk about what happened sooner or later."
"Later sounds good to me." I tell him, knowing he's not going to listen to me.
"No, I think sooner is better for everyone."
"How do you know what is better for everyone?"
"I don't."
"Then don't tell me what you think is best. You have no say in this group anymore."
"I wasn't the one that answered my question, Alessandra."
"Yeah, but you were the one that asked it."
"What was I supposed to do!" Dylan yells at me. "The question was eating me alive."
"Then you should have asked me. I would've told you how I felt about us."
Dylan takes a step back. "You knew that you didn't like me and you didn't think to tell me."
I look at him in disbelief. How can he put this on me?
"Why do you care? It's not like you loved me anyways since you had to go and ask some strange voice if I'm the one for you."
He takes my arm and looks straight into my eyes. "Now, you know I loved you. I loved you like I never knew I would love somebody."
That doesn't even make any sense. I loved you but oh I don't really love you.
"You can't say you love somebody if you know they aren't the one for you."
He looks down at the floor. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell you because I knew how you would react."
"How am I supposed to react? You told me you loved me, Dylan. I was a fool to love you back, though."
"I did love you, Alessandra. I truly did." He looks at me sympathetically.
"Yeah, whatever." I turn away from him.
I walk a couple of feet to where the others can't hear my sobs. Looking up at the ceiling I try to stop the tears from flowing. I can't think about this right now. I have a brother to save. The drama can wait for at least a couple of hours. I look back at the others. They're standing awkwardly in the dark.
I clear my throat, "Come on. We have a brother to save."
They don't take no time to start walking. I guess they were eager to break the awkward silence.
"I think I'll hang back." Dylan's voice breaks through my sound barrier.
I look at him. Let me guess he doesn't want to go on a suicide mission with his ex. What a guy you used to have, Alessandra.
"Fine." I turn around before he can protest.
I don't have time for cowards.

Alessandra Faye Where stories live. Discover now