Chapter 10

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We got back home to Zayne's house after work, i immediately went upstairs to change into something more comfortable. I changed into a white crop tank top, blush pink high waisted sweatpants, and a long grey cardigan. I tossed my hair up into a messy bun at the top of my head, wiped off my make up, and then went back downstairs. I was leaving the room just as Zayne was coming into the room to change.

"Go watch Netflix or something, do not step foot into that kitchen once i get down there!" He gave me a serious look and i rolled my eyes but nodded.

"Yes sir!" With a salute i went downstairs and went into the kitchen to get a bottle of water and a snack, then went into the living room and turned on Netflix. I turned on "Legally Blonde" and then curled up on the couch with a blanket.

Zayne came back downstairs in a pair of loose hanging grey sweatpants, and he was shirtless. He came over and kissed me before he walked into the kitchen. I ate my snack and drank my water, and before i knew it was dozing off.

An hour later i woke up to the most amazing aroma ever, i stretched and flipped the blanket off of me and was about to stand up when Zayne walked in.

"Good! You're awake, dinner is ready."

"Yesssss!" I cheered happily. "I was about to come in there demanding food." Zayne laughed and took my hand, leading me into the dinging room, my mouth dropped when i walked in and saw what he had done for me. The lights were off, but the room was dimly lit by candles in the middle of the table, he scattered rose petals over the table, had it set with dishes and had a bottle of wine chilling in a bucket.

"Babe!" I know it wasn't much, but honestly, it was everything to me! Nobody has ever done something like this for me, he went out of his way to make a special dinner for me.

"Do you like it?" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "I tried to be romantic..." His unsureness was showing again and i just wanted to tackle him into a hug and tell him about amazing he is and how much i love him for this.

"Are you kidding me?! I love it! It's so romantic!" I walked over and wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him tightly "Thank you, babe...this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." I stood on my tip toes and gave him a gentle kiss, he grinned at me proudly. He's so proud of himself and it's adorable.

He pulled out my chair for me and i took a seat, he went into the kitchen and came back out with two plates of butter garlic steak, roasted asparagus, and roasted potatoes. Damn! It smells and looks delicious!

"You've been holding out on me!" I glared at him playfully and he just laughed.

"Hey, i can cook! I just burned that toast that day because you were distracting me!" He narrowed his eyes at me accusingly and i giggled.

"Mmm i kinda was, but it was a good distraction!"

"Are you kidding me? It was a GREAT distraction!" I started laughing and Zayne poured us some wine. I smiled and dug into my food, it's so good!

"So, what's the occasion?"

"I can't just have a romantic dinner with my woman?"

"You can, but you're over there acting really nervous..." I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously, and then a thought crossed my mind making me panic a little. "Oh God, you 're not proposing to me are you?! I know your parents and sister have been gently bullying you into proposing, but we agreed it's too soon!"

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