Chapter 26

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** Zayne's POV: **

No, no, no!

God, please no!

I held Lexy in my arms, tears spilling down my face as i watched her fading out. She looked up at me and gave me a smile, but her teeth were tinted red from the blood spilling into her mouth.

"I.....lo-love you..." She rasped out so quietly i could barely hear her.

"I love you too, baby. Don't you dare leave me!" My pleas fell on deaf ears, because she stopped moving and her eyes drooped closed. Neighbors had gathered outside to see what the commotion was, and one of my male neighbors was staying next to the unconscious man laying on the ground.

"WHERE THE HELL IS THE AMBULANCE?!" I screamed looking around, as if summoned by my anger the ambulance and police cars came rushing up. They immediately brought a gurney over and i moved my hands from her wound that i had been trying to hold pressure to to slow the bleeding, an EMT taking over.

I told the officers i would talk to them at the hospital, because there was no way in hell i was leaving Lexy's side. I rode in the ambulance with her and as soon as we got to the hospital they wheeled her back for surgery. I was a mess. I wanted to punch the hell out of the wall, i wanted to kill that bastard for hurting her. I'm so scared, i can't lose her, i can't! It will kill me. I took out my phone with shaky hands and started dialing numbers, everyone needs to be here.

"Zayne? What's up? You guys home yet?! I miss my girl." Brody immediately exclaimed as soon as she answered my call. It made what i had to say all the more harder to get out.

"You need to get to the hospital! We came home and Lexy's parents were on our porch waiting for us, her father shot her." The sobs i had been holding back came out and i could barely keep it together.

"Oh God! I-i'm on my way! I'll bring Kayla." She was choking on sobs of her own, she hung up before i could say anything else and i called my family and relayed the same message.

"We're on our way!" My mom exclaimed in a shaky voice. I know this is hard for them as well, they adore Lexy. I collapsed onto the floor and brought my knees to my chest and just let the tears fall. She has to be okay, she has to!

We didn't get enough time together. I don't know how much time passed or how long i sat there crying, but the next thing i know is our family and friends was surrounding me. That only seemed to make me lose it even more. All these people who love her, we can't lose her!

"Have you heard anything?" Brody asked her voice cracking from her tears. I looked up and her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"No, she's in surgery." I whispered looking away from her. How can i look at her knowing that i was supposed to protect her best friend, her sister, and i didn't.

"How the fuck did they know where she was?!" Brody practically screamed as the anger over took her.

"They said they seen her on TV, that they heard she was married to a billionaire now and that they wanted money because she owes them. They couldn't even say her name right! They kept calling her Linda and Lena." I scoffed, my fists clenching into fists again. I want to pummel that son of a bitch some more.

"What happened with her parents?" My father asked. His voice was stern but his eyes were filling with tears.

"I'm assuming the cops took them to jail, although i wouldn't be surprised if they have to bring his sorry ass here. I beat him unconscious after he shot her."

"I hope they do so i can kill him myself!" Brody growled.

"She'll be okay...she has to be." Kayla said softly. We sat around waiting for the doctor to come out. They are taking forever, and i don't know how much longer i can keep my cool. I need to know how she is, i need to see her! While we waited I looked down and saw Lexy's blood on my hands, I almost lost it again. Instead I got up and went to the bathroom to wash the blood off, even though my hands are now clean I can't get that image out of my head.

The police officer came to talk to me and i told him everything that happened, he said that some of my neighbors verified my claims. Like i would fucking lie about what happened! My mom sat in the chair praying, i really appreciate her for it, because i don't think i can right now. I'm too pissed. This never should have happened. It was probably an hour later when the doctor came out.

"Lexy Harrison's family?" She asked looking around the waiting room. I immediately ran over, our family following close behind me.

"Yes, we're all here. I'm her husband." I added when she gave me a look as if to ask who i am.

"We removed the bullet, luckily it didn't shatter, we managed to get the bleeding under control. She did however lose a lot of blood so we had to give her a transfusion. She's still unconscious from the drugs we gave her, and when she wakes up she'll be weak from the blood loss and gun shot wound, but she will make a full recovery. She's very lucky no vital organs were hit. You all can go back and see her, just please be quiet so as not to disturb the other patients. That's the only way i'll let all of you back at once." She looked at all of us sympathetically. I know it's usually against hospital policy to let more than two people at a time back, so i appreciate her letting it slide for us.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed, she lead us to Lexy's room, and she was sleeping peacefully in the bed. She looked really pale, and she had tubes in her arms but other than that she looked okay.

It still broke my heart seeing her laying in that bed though. I'm just so glad she's okay, she's going to be okay. I went over and took a seat beside her and held her hand, it was cold, but she's always cold.

"You're going to be okay, baby. I'll never let something like this happen to you again. I promise you that! Nobody will be able to get close to you." I said softly, bringing her hand up and placing a soft kiss to her knuckles. I'm glad i washed the blood off of my hands when i got here, i don't want to ever see that sight again.

"Oooh can i be her bodyguard?" Brody asked playfully. I knew she was just trying to lighten the mood, she was trying to keep herself from breaking down. I could see it as soon as i looked at her face. I know how close Brody and Lexy are, i know that she's been with Lexy through everything with her past. This can't be easy for her.

"Sure, we'll have to do a formal interview though!" She cracked a smile at me for playing along and i gave one back. Our girl is going to be okay.


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