Chapter 37

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"Babe! You almost ready? We need to be getting to my parents house soon." Zayne called out to me.

"Yes! I'm done now." I came out of our bedroom and grinned down at my announcement tshirt i'm wearing over to their house. It's nothing over the top but i think it's funny. The shirt says 'Does this baby make me look fat?' Zayne handed me one of his flannel shirts to put over it so that they don't see the shirt until we're ready for them to see it.

"Your mother is going to start doing cartwheels, she'll be so happy." I said smiling.

"If she does that i'm recording it..." He laughed.

"Hahaha. Let's go!" I grabbed my purse, and put my phone in the pocket of my jeans and then we walked out of our house, locking it up as we went out.

Zayne drove us to his parents house and i was bouncing in my seat with excitement. I know that they are going to be excited, and i'm so happy i can finally start telling everyone. It was torture keeping it a secret. It didn't take us long to arrive, and Zayne instantly jumped out of the car and around to my side to open the door for me and help me out.

"Babe, i can do stuff for myself, you know that right? I'm pregnant not an invalid.." I said rolling my eyes at him but i couldn't help but smile a little. I know how much he loves to take care of me, now that i'm carrying his child it's just 10x worse.

"As long as you're my wife, and as long as you're carrying my child i will not stop catering to you. You'll just have to get used to it." He shrugged unapologetically.

"And you'll just have to get used to talking with a sore throat.." I shrugged in return.

"Huh? Why?" He raised his eyebrows at me in confusion.

"Because i'll be punching you in it all the time if you don't get the hell out of my bubble every now and then."

"I hate to break it to you, baby, but you don't have a bubble....i've been all up in that..." He smirked at me and i wrinkled my nose at him in mild disgust and rolled my eyes.

"I hate you, shut up." He started laughing and wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me into him, he kissed the side of my head and i smiled as we walked up to the front door. We walked in without knocking because we always do and found them all sitting in the living room watching a movie.

"Hey guys!" I announced myself cheerfully. They had no clue we were coming over tonight, we wanted it to be a complete surprise.

"Lexy!" Leeann grinned widely.

"Lex!" Violet squealed happily right along with her mother.

"Hey, sweetheart." Frankie smiled warmly at me. They all jumped up to give me a hug.

"ZAYNE!" We all turned and looked at him like he was a crazy person, and i was honestly starting to question it at this point.

"What in the world is your problem? Why are you screaming like that?" Leeann scolded her son.

"I was just reminding you all that i do still exist! Every time we come over, or we see each other it's always 'Lexy! Lexy! Hi sweetheart, we love you more than we love our son because he no longer exists to us!'" He wore a playful scowl on his face as he glared at his family.

"Oh hush! That's not true and you know it." Leeann said rolling her eyes.

"Shouldn't you be happy that we actually love her? We could be making your life a living hell because we don't like her.." Frankie reminded.

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