5: Thunderstorm

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"Do you think it's gonna rain?" asked his wife who was standing by the window. Her beautiful face bore some concern as she looked at the skies above.

Newt joined her side, sipping a cup of tea. He observed the sky. The clouds seemed to be lower, closer, and darker than it was yesterday and earlier this morning. The sun was barely visible either.

He hummed. "It looks like it, " he replied. Then, as if to prove his point, the sky rumbled thunderously. A squeak resonated from beside him. Turning to Tina, he saw her worrying at her bottom lip and fiddling with her fingers while eyeing the sky with nervousness.

"Hey," he whispered, putting his cup on the windowsill. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, making her pause her actions and look at him. "What's wrong?" he asked quietly, his brow knitted in a frown.

Tina opened her mouth to reply but made no sound. Instead, she shook her head and gave him a small smile. "It's nothing, sweetheart," she said. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Newt tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.

She nodded softly and turned to the window again, the same anxious expression on her face again.

Newt sighed. "Well, how 'bout we go read by the fire, hmm?" he suggested, wrapping an arm around Tina and pulling her closer. He took another sip from his cup before adding, "That way, we can keep warm in case it does rain."

"I'd like that," giggled Tina, gazing at him with bright eyes, "very much!"

"Good," Newt grinned. He pecked her cheek, then her nose, making her titter. "And you can choose the book."

Her Salamander eyes glinted with joy. "Really?"

Newt nodded, humming. "Go sit by the fire, darling. I'll go check on our creatures and grab a blanket." He kissed her once more before leaving the sitting room.

Downstairs in their majestic basement, Newt wandered around, lugging with him buckets of food for his creatures with his held between his teeth (of course). He went about the vast space, making sure every one of their beloved creatures was fed and was perfectly healthy.

Once done with most of the creatures, Newt headed to the little forest enclosure he had set up in one corner of the basement. He carried with him a string of dead rodents, which he slung around his neck. Standing at the edge of the enclosure, Newt blew a loud whistle.

A rustling came from behind the bushes of the enclosure. Newt could spot a head peeking over the shrubbery. He chuckled, holding out a large mouse.

"It's okay, Silvie," he called out to the creature hidden in the bushes. He slowly entered, approaching the shy creature cautiously. "It's alright. I've got food for you."

The creature slowly emerged from its hiding spot.

Out from the shadows came a small hippogriff calf. It was stormy gray and was smaller and thinner than most of the newly hatched hippogriffs back in his mother's stables. Newt smiled kindly to the hippogriff.

The hippogriff-Silverstorm, as Tina had decided to christen her-hatched later than expected and came into the world weaker than most hippogriff calves. Poor thing had weak wings and was unable to fly. So, Mrs. Scamander knew it was best to entrust the little calf to Newt and Tina.

Newt gave Silverstorm a low bow, not breaking eye contact with her. The hippogriff bow in return and happily nuzzled Newt's hand. That made the wizard laugh and he threw the rodent in the air, which Silverstorm caught gracefully.

After feeding the rest of the rodents around his neck to Silverstorm, Newt played with the little hippogriff for a few minutes and gave her a quick checkup to see how she was faring during her stay with the Scamanders.

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