16: A Brother's Love

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Between the eldest and the youngest Scamanders, Newt, the middle child's love is something they consider as some sort of competition between them. All their life, Theseus and Primrose saw their brother as someone who's closed off from others, having a world of his own.

True, they weren't that close when they were younger, considering the age gaps between them (8 and 12 years respectively), but they're trying—really.

So, that's what led Theseus and Primrose to this predicament:

"No, no, no. Newt loves me more than you," Theseus argued to his sister as they walk toward the kitchen.

"Nuh-uh," the 17-year-old beside him disagreed, shaking her head, arms crossed over her chest. "Newt definitely loves me more than you, idiot."

"What makes you so sure?" The eldest scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"I'm the youngest," Primrose replied matter-of-factly. "And everybody loves the youngest."

"Haha, keep telling yourself that. I'm his older brother and our age gap is smaller than yours, so he definitely loves me more."

"Oh please."

The two stopped talking upon entering the kitchen where they saw their topic of argument: Newt.

The middle Scamander child was stirring something—they assumed it was coffee from the smell—in a mug while humming to himself, a small on his face.

Sharing a glance, Primrose and Theseus got an idea almost simultaneously.

"Okay so how about we do this?" Theseus offered in a low voice.

"Hmm? What?" Primrose asked.

"To see who Newt loves more, let's run toward him and see who he'll catch."

Primrose blinked at her eldest brother, her classic deadpan face on. "What kind of stupid plan is that?"

Theseus merely shrugs. "I dunno. But it's worth a try!"

The youngest sighed, shaking her head disbelievingly at him. How are you the Chief of Police, again? She silently asked. She took a glance at their brother who had just placed the spoon into the sink and was now beginning to walk around the kitchen island and towards the stairs.

"Alright then," Primrose finally conceded. "Whoever he catches is the one he loves more."

"Great. I'll go first." With a quick nod, and before Primrose could say anything else, Theseus charged towards their brother who was carefully carrying the hot mug of coffee.

"Newt! Catch!" Theseus yelled.

Looking up, Newt's eyes widened like saucers. "Theseus! Wha—?!"

He didn't finish his sentence though as Theseus leaped towards their unsuspecting brother.

Primrose's eyes widened. Was Newt going to drop the mug and catch their brother?

Quickly, Newt sidestepped, effectively avoiding the incoming Theseus Scamander while saving the mug of coffee without spilling a drop. Newt looked into the mug and sighed in relief.

Theseus, on the other hand, landed hard and was groaning on the floor behind Newt.

"Ow..." Theseus grunted, rolling onto his back while rubbing his cheek that was probably bruised.

Primrose huffed a loud round of laughter at what just happened, earning a glare from Theseus and a weird look from Newt. After calming down, she readied herself to do the same.

He'll probably catch me. I'm much closer to him than Theseus is, she thought confidently to herself as she took off.

"My turn!" she shouted as she ran towards Newt.

"Prim!" gasped Newt as she came closer and closer.

"Catch me!" And with that Primrose leaped.

...only to land beside Theseus on the floor.

"Ow! That hurt!" Primrose cried, glaring at her brothers.

Theseus only laughed at her while Newt rolled his eyes. "Seriously, what are you two thinking, jumping at me like that?" he scolded. "I'm carrying something here! If this spilled and broke, you're going to clean that up."

Giving them one last look, Newt turned and continued towards the stairs where his girlfriend was, coincidentally, coming down.

From their spot on the floor, the other Scamanders saw how Tina's face brightened upon seeing Newt at the foot of the stairs. They could also feel how Newt did the same.

Primrose and Theseus shared a look and sighed. "So in love," they chuckled before watching the couple again.

"Newt!" Tina grinned, waving to Newt from atop the stairs.

"Hi, Tina," Newt replied, a grin on his face.

Tina, wanting to get to Newt, quickened her pace to a run as she came down the stairs. But, she went a bit too fast, causing her to miss a step and tumble down.

Primrose and Theseus scrambled to their feet. "Tina!" they gasped.

In one swift motion, Newt dropped the mug, causing it to shatter and spill, and caught his girlfriend in his arms.

"Are you alright?" Newt asked, panting slightly as he helped steadied Tina on the first stair.

Tina nodded shakily. "Y-yeah...thanks. Must've missed a step."

Newt let out a relieved sigh, wrapping both arms around her waist. "You need to be more careful, love," he said, looking up at her as she was now a head taller than him by being on a step. He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and smiled.

"I know," Tina giggled, draping her arms over his shoulders. "Sorry." She leaned down and pecked him on the lips before noticing the mess on the floor. "Uh, was that for me?"

Newt followed her gaze. Upon seeing the shattered mug and spilled coffee, he chuckled nervously and blushed. "Oh, that...y-yes, it was...supposedly," he nodded, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, that's unfortunate." Tina smiled at him. "Let's clean it up and make another then."

Newt hummed in agreement and joined Tina in finding the mop.

Left in the kitchen, Theseus and Primrose gaped at what just happened.

Newt dropped the mug for Tina but not for them?

"Well," Theseus began, "I guess we now know who Newt loves the most."

"Yup," Primrose nodded, smiling slowly. "And we can't possibly compete with that."

Looking at each other, both of them shared a laugh and decided to make some snacks for everybody. 

A/N: So dialogue heavy...I am still adjusting, my goodness.

FINALLY GOT TO WRITE AGAIN. I am so sorry for being inactive a lot lately, online classes are hard :')

Oh, I've also published Prim's profile in my admin book Into the Writing Den. You can check it out if you wanna learn more about Prim :))

I hope you liked this one. I miss writing for you guys uwu :))

P.S. Don't judge me or anything because of that prompt in the media section *embarrassed laughter* I used to ship jelsa and I just happened to stumble on that tag while browsing through my ships tags in Tumblr.

[Written: August 17, 2020]

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