13: Breaking In

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First of all...

I am not supposed to be here, Newt thought to himself as he stared at that one specific bedroom window located at the back of the building. It was located on the third floor, and the light from it had just extinguished, rendering the entire building into darkness.

It's cliché if you think about it, really; he's standing within the premises of the girls' dormitory, a place he's forbidden to be found in. He knew he could just meet up with her for breakfast tomorrow morning, but something kept nagging him inside his head to just go and see her—even if it's almost midnight.

He hasn't seen her in the past week, and he's missing her so much. They've only talked through calls and texts, but never in person. Newt never considered himself to be clingy. And he also understood her reasons; she had a big test coming up plus projects and papers needed to be finished.

But, really, how can he ever stop the boyfriend in him?

And so, that's how Newt ended up standing below Tina's bedroom window at 11:30 in the evening.

He just really wants to see her.

Newt took a quick survey of his surroundings, making sure that no one can see him. Deeming the coast was clear, he began his ascent, using the ivy that grew on the brick walls as his ladder.

It took a while (and a few almost-falls) until he finally reached her window. Holding himself on the ivy, Newt reached out one hand to push open the single hung window, grinning widely upon finding out that it wasn't locked. He slid the window up with relative ease and silence before hoisting himself inside the room.

Newt poked his head into the room, followed by his torso. He was about to push the rest of himself in, but his hands slipped from the windowsill, causing him to fall face-first on the floor with a loud thud.

"Ow," groaned Newt, rolling onto his back, a hand massaging his forehead that's probably bruised.

Then, the yellowish glow of what Newt could only guess was a lamp illuminated the room, followed by the sound of bed sheets rustling.

"Who's there?" someone snapped, their voice hoarse from sleep. Newt's heart jumped at the sound. It was the voice he'd been wanting to hear in person for days.

Sitting up, Newt turned his head to the right and saw his girlfriend, sitting upright on her bed with a thick book in hand, ready to chuck it in his face. Her dark brown hair was mussed from sleep, and her eyes squinting at him. A blush formed on his cheeks in sudden embarrassment, but Newt didn't care. He finally got to see her again in person.

"Oh, um..." Newt cleared his throat. He sat cross-legged on the floor and flashed her a smile. "Hi, Tina."

The woman in question dropped the book and rubbed her eyes. After a second or two, she rasped, "Newt?"

Newt nodded and shrugged. "Hi..."

Tina shot him a glare. "What...what are you doing here?" she asked in a whisper, returning the book to her nightstand. "You know you're not allowed in our dorm!" she hissed.

"I know," Newt sighed in response, getting to his feet. Once standing, Newt dusted himself off, closed the window, and quietly walked towards Tina. He sat on the bed and smiled sheepishly. "I just..." he began, taking her hand in his. He looked her in the eye, something he noticed he could do only with her. "It's just that...I haven't seen you in days and I...I miss you," he finished in a hushed voice.

Tina's face softened. She squeezed his hand and smiled. "I miss you too, Newt. But we could've just met up for breakfast tomorrow, or we could've video called."

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