Chapter 17

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Y/n stood next to the cool wall of the Millennium Falcon. If it were under normal circumstances where her body was free from injuries, she would have been leaning on the wall instead.

The ship was not filled to the brim, due to the fact that there weren't a large number of survivors left. Most of them had been pulverised by the First Order's weapons on their way to Crait.

Poe was just a short distance away from her, sitting on the lounge seat, along with a few other familiar faces. They were taking turns, initiating a friendly game of Dejarik.

Poe would look up at Y/n frequently and beckon her to join, but she would shake her head, and watch as they played.

What if I am Force-sensitive?

The thought had plagued her mind for quite some time, and now that everyone was in the same ship, she reckoned it wouldn't hurt to ask Leia. She did doubt her Force-sensitivity, because she had never used the Force. She had limited knowledge about the subject, and she didn't intend to train in that area. Being a pilot was enough for her. Still, she couldn't help but think about it.

Making up her mind, Y/n walked to the cockpit, where she presumed Leia would be. They were heading to a new base, though they weren't sure which one yet.

"Leia? May I speak with you for a moment?" Y/n asked, and watched as the General turned around to face her, a bemused expression evident on her aged face.

In a few strides, Leia covered the distance between them and looked at Y/n. "What is it?"

"It's... just a speculation. Can we go somewhere more private?" she answered, and Leia nodded, ushering Y/n to a different room while signalling to the other personnel.

Reaching an empty part of the ship, Leia sat Y/n down and took a seat beside her. She tilted her body, and gave Y/n her undivided attention.

"Am I Force-sensitive?"

Leia furrowed her eyebrows infinitesimally, and didn't answer. The silence stretched on, until she finally opened her mouth.

"No." She shook her head, and smiled. "Where did you get that idea?"

Y/n remained silent.

So, I'm not. Then, how did the doors open that day? Surely it wasn't a product of luck?

"Back on Starkiller, I closed my eyes, and focused. The door opened."

"Interesting. However, I don't sense anything from you."

Y/n shook her head. "I guess not."

"I'll look into this matter later." Leia moved to leave, but not before stopping briefly.

"Maybe you had inside help. I doubt it, but that seems to be the only reason."

Leia smiled warmly, before leaving her in the room, alone.

Inside help. No, it can't be.

Unwillingly, an image of Hux flashed in her mind.

No, he wouldn't. He tried to kill me. Besides, he caught me again. What's the point?

Y/n's shoulders slumped.

Hux. He apologised, for what? I was going to die and he apologised. But he didn't feel sorry. He was willing to let me die.

Or, maybe he had a plan. How did BB-8 get on the AT-AT? Did... did Hux help?

No. He couldn't have.

Her train of thought was interrupted by Poe. He dragged her out of the room, gently, but forceful enough to get her moving.

"It's the next round. You're up-"

"I told you, I just want to watch!"

"Well, you're not watching. And let me finish. You're up, whether you want to or not." Y/n sent him a fiery glare, straight from the hellish inferno of a planet, Mustafar, and he combated it with an adorable puppy eye.

Well played.

Y/n left the room and joined the fun. As she made herself comfortable on the seats, for the shortest amount of time, she thought back to Hux. And without realising, a small smile appeared on her face.


A/n - Hello there, dear readers! I have decided to keep this chapter short, but I will be working on the next one. Today I get a break from studying because the first round of examinations are over. Woohoo. If I can, I'll post another chapter this or next week. Oh, and I've changed the format because I type on my phone, and the paragraphing might be inconsistent to my computer readers.

So, I'll see you soon. Bye! 😃

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