Chapter 1

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3rd Person POV

       The twin suns of Arkanis shone on Y/n's face, enhancing her soft features. It was a good day today. The planet finally had a break from the raging storms and rainfall that seemed to plague it. She slowly made her way to the large field besides her house. It had a vast array of flowers and she loved lying down on a grass patch in the middle of the field, admiring the flora, and sometimes, the fauna.

        She flung herself on a patch of soft grass, and longingly watched the sky. The suns were beautiful, and she certainly wished she could see them more often. Y/n was lost in her thoughts, and her mother had to call her a few times before she responded.

"Y/n! We have a guest! Could you bring him a cup of tea?" "Yes, Mother! I'm coming!" Good things never last. Y/n ran as fast as her little legs could go towards her small and cosy cottage, in which she lived with her parents, Lieutenant L/n and his wife. She reached the back door and flung it open, racing towards the kitchen. She had learnt from past meetings that people do not like to be kept waiting. She steeped the teabag in the hot water, and held the heavy pitcher with trembling hands, pouring it into a delicate teacup, part of a set that they only bring out when someone arrives. She walked to the kitchen, making sure she does not spill a single drop.

She placed it on the table, and prepared to leave. "Y/n, could you bring the General's son along with you? Play with him or something." Her father commanded. Y/n nodded and glanced at the small boy in front of her. His short hair was a beautiful shade of red, and his eyes were seafoam green. His pale skin contrasted to the black, long-sleeved shirt he wore, the fabric loosely wrapped around his thin arms. His trousers were black as well, the soft fabric stretching all the way to his ankles, oversized, seeing as it piled near his neatly polished shoes. Y/n smiled at him, but he did not return it. She skipped towards him and gently grabbed his arm. The boy flinched, but it had gone unnoticed by Y/n.

She held on to his wrist as she led him up the stairs, to her room. It had a tiny bed placed beside her desk, where she would draw or craft. She brought him to her bed and gestured for him to sit down. The boy did so reluctantly. When he did, Y/n looked at him, and asked," What's your name?" He glanced at her with his green orbs for a short moment before lowering his gaze towards the floor again. "A-Armitage." He whispered.

"That's a unique name! My name is Y/n! It's nice to meet you!" He nodded. They sat on her bed in an awkward silence until Y/n piped up again, insistent on talking to him, "What do you want to do?" "I don't know." He replies meekly.

"How about we get to know each other more? What's your favourite thing to do? Favourite fruit?"
They started talking, and Armitage found himself warming up to Y/n.

By the time his father had come to retrieve him, night has fallen upon Arkanis. The once alluring glow of the suns were soon diminished, replaced by the cover of dark. Armitage was participating in a debate with Y/n, excitedly speaking and gesturing with his hands.

As he stepped through the doorframe of the L/n family's door, he turned around and said, "I hope I see you soon, Y/n." He gave a genuine smile and left with his father, who slammed the door shut.

Y/n grinned to herself. Thinking about Armitage made the butterflies in her stomach take flight, though she did not know why. As she drifted off in her sleep, a certain redhead appeared in her dreams.

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