Chapter 37

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Jungkook's POV contd - Thursday late at night:

You look at Namjoon hyung expectantly. Jimin is giggling uncontrollably and Tae has a wide grin on his face.

"Why are you both looking like that, what's happening?" you ask, your curiosity piqued.

"PD Bang just confirmed it a few days before we came here," Namjoon starts. "We're going on a world tour!" he says, no longer able to contain his excitement.

"Oh my gawd, no way!" you reply. "We're going on a world tour? Like, performing outside of Korea and Japan?" you ask, checking to be sure.

Jin laughs and answers, "Awww innocent Jungkook, yes, outside of Korea and Japan."

Yoongi adds, "We'll be hitting the US first, then South America, Europe, then back home."

You look at him quizzically and then at Namjoon. "Er, Namjoon hyung, that's not exactly a worldwide tour?"

Jin pipes in, "Ya, this is our first time performing outside of Korea and Japan, we need to be a bit cautious for this first one. Next year, we can add more cities."

"Ahh, makes sense," you say slowly, and then, "Omg, our first world tour!" You jump up off your chair excitedly. You hug Jimin next to you and call the others in. Soon you're all hugging each other and jumping up and down. When you finally stop, exhausted from the over-exertion, you ask, "So, when does the tour start?"

"It starts in April!" Jimin says keenly. "And we have to start practising in December," he adds.

"What? December? That's so soon!" you say. It starts to dawn on you that your stay in London is going to be cut short. The expression on your face changes, which Jimin and Jin both notice.

"Yeah that's the other thing. You'll have to come back with us when we leave London, to help with the planning. Don't worry, it'll only be for a few days and you can come back to pack the rest of your stuff," Hobi says, misinterpreting the sad look on your face.

Events have taken an unexpected turn and you suddenly go quiet. Jin comes to the rescue before the others notice, "Ah, our Jungkookie must be tired from getting everything ready today. And he has an important day tomorrow. Actually, we all do, why don't we call it a night."

Everyone agrees. Jimin, Hobi and Tae stay behind to clear up, while Namjoon and Yoongi go to their rooms. Jin suggests you show him the front living room. When inside, he asks "Jungkook-ah, are you ok?"

 When inside, he asks "Jungkook-ah, are you ok?"

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You shake your head as you sit down on the sofa.

"Is it about the girl you were seeing?" he continues, as he sits opposite you. "You didn't break it off?"

Finally, you speak, deciding you have to tell someone and Jin hyung would understand. "Jin hyung, it's serious. It's not a casual fling. her hyung."

"What? Love her? You've only known her a few weeks! Does she feel the same? How can two youngsters like you know what love is!" Jin says blatantly.

"Hyung, please, it's not the way you think it is. She's older than me, and I know she feels the same," you say, with tears in your eyes now. "We were just starting to enjoy being with each other, I can't leave her now. I don't want to. She is someone worth dropping everything in my life for. You don't understand how much my heart is aching at the thought of not seeing her for half a year!" you wipe the tears away.

Jin checks that no-one else is around and then says quietly, "Jungkook, this is not something to take lightly. It's late, why don't you stay here tonight and then we can all go to the Academy tomorrow together. We can talk about this after the performance, eh?"

You agree there's no point discussing it now, but decide to go home as you'll feel more comfortable in your own bed. You get up to leave and say, "Jin hyung, please tell the others I've left. I'll be ok tomorrow. What time are we practising, is it 10 am?" you ask.

"Yeah, we'll pick you up then," Jin confirms. He sighs as he watches you leave the house. As soon as you're out the door, you look at your phone, forgetting to check Noona's message from before. It read:

/// Hey you, today was quite uneventful, but I honestly don't know how I survived it after last night with the girls. They got quite raucous after a few drinks. We ended up doing karaoke to old 80s songs, which you are of course too young to know 😉
Have a great time with the guys, you must be so happy to have them here.
I will leave you to enjoy a very sensible night with them, so so so looking forward to hearing you perform tomorrow😊 xxx ///

You look at your phone sadly and wonder how you could possibly be away from this wonderful person for months. Your chest hurts when you are apart for a few days. The thought of going on tour has gone from being the best news to the worst in a matter of minutes. With that lingering thought, you hail a taxi and head home. You decide not to tell Noona about it just yet. She said she'd planned something for the weekend, maybe you'll tell her then. You shake your head, not relishing that conversation at all.


Back to Anna - Same time:

You check your phone and realise that Jungkook must really be having a great time with the other members since his last text was 3 hours ago and he hasn't replied to yours yet. You don't mind, though, you are just glad that he is happy and not stressing about tomorrow's performance. You actually are looking forward to hearing him perform as part of the audience.

Mr Brown had called you earlier to remind you that you had VIP status tomorrow and would be sitting in the front row with the rest of the academics. You feel embarrassed at being considered a VIP, but are glad that you'll be able to have a clear view of Jungkook tomorrow. You wonder where the other BTS guys will be sitting, imagining that they'll probably be sitting at the front too.

You remind yourself to pick up some treats to give as gifts for them. No harm getting on their good side as soon as possible, you think to yourself, cheekily. It's almost midnight and you decide to get your clothes ready for the performance tomorrow.
What should I wear, something black and tasteful? Heels? Yup, better dress up seeing as it's my first time meeting BTS. Oh my god, Yoongi will be there! Good thing Jungkook can't hear me right now, he'd probably do something similar to what he did in the cinema, maybe more.
You smile to yourself, looking forward to falling asleep and dreaming about Jungkook doing unholy things to you, completely oblivious to the fact that Jungkook is currently tossing and turning in restless sleep.

 You smile to yourself, looking forward to falling asleep and dreaming about Jungkook doing unholy things to you, completely oblivious to the fact that Jungkook is currently tossing and turning in restless sleep

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