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seohyun's pov





my eyes fluttered open as the two boys continued to yell and scream about whatever mishaps were going on in the kitchen. i groggily walked over to the kitchen counter, with chaeryeong somehow still out cold, snoring away.

"what the fuck are you two doing?" i grumbled, checking my phone. "it's nine am for crying out loud. would you let a girl sleep? when did you two even go to sleep?"

"uh, never," younghoon answered. "we're running on three servings of dalgona coffee each. oh, and we're trying to cook breakfast, but hyunjae doesn't know how to use a frying pan."

"shut the fuck up kim younghoon," hyunjae rolled his eyes. "i can use a frying pan. it's not my fault that i've never cooked in my life."

"i can testify has his personal maid," i snorted. "oh, the joys of having to cook every meal for you and help bring you whatever you want. at least you know how to do the dishes."

"well then, personal maid," hyunjae said sweetly. "would you be a dear and help us?"

"if it stops you from burning down this apartment, then yes," i gave him a fake smile before walking towards them. "what are you guys making anyways?"

"kimchi fried rice," younghoon answered. "your mom brought kimchi home with her last night."

"when did she get back?" i asked as i took out and put back different pots and pans and took out the ingredients we needed.

"like four in the morning," hyunjae said. "she came home with some groceries and she looked kind of frazzled. i'm pretty sure she heard us in my room and came in. her exact words were, 'hyunjae honey, you're still up? oh, and hi younghoon! hyunjae sweetie, i bought some groceries today and put them away for you and seohyun. i'll be leaving again soon for work so let seohyun know in the morning. well, good night. i need some sleep. it was nice seeing you younghoon, i hope my son isn't boring you,' and then she left."

"i hope she's okay," i sighed, taking the kimchi out of the fridge. "ever since she started her own cafe, she's had crazy work hours. oh, and here, oppa, cut this."

"wow, showing some respect for me for once?" hyunjae took the kimchi and began cutting it. 

"i'm hurt, seohyun," younghoon said jokingly. 

"hey, don't blame me for being informal," i defended myself. "we're not in korea. we're in taiwan, and we go to an international school. even though literally all of our friends are korean, we don't use honorifics since literally no one else does."

"fair point," younghoon grinned. 

"as for mom," hyunjae said, getting back to our original topic. "i'm sure it'll be better soon. it's only been a couple months. she still hire more help. at least the cafe is doing well. but seriously, get used to honorifics. remember, i'm going to korea soon."

"did you really have to bring up the fact that you're leaving soon?" i whined as i began frying our breakfast. "i mean, you're kind of a bitch sometimes, but--"

"wow the duality in that sentence," younghoon laughed. 

"it's a sibling thing," hyunjae sighed. 

"trust me when i say i never have that with my older brother," younghoon said. 

"anyways," i cut in their little side conversation. "you're leaving soon! well, younghoon too, obviously. but seriously! you're leaving in like three weeks. it's sad."

"and that's why we have to make the most of the rest of our time here," hyunjae said with a look of determination on his face. "i was going to tell you this later, but we're going somewhere today."

"who's us?" i questioned. 

"uh, who else? me, you, chaeryeong, and hoonie," hyunjae replied. 

"what are we doing?" i asked. 

"we're going to a waterfall," younghoon answered. 

"wait what?" i blinked. 

"ooh, sounds fun!" i turned around to see chaeryeong, with her pajamas and pineapple hair, coming closer. 

"when did you wake up?" i turned to my best friend.

"all the noise finally got to my head and woke me up," she responded. "anyways, what's up with this waterfall?"

"well, we were talking about getting out to distract seohyun anyways..." hyunjae said. "and stop complaining. i know you don't like going into the realm of mother nature, but it'll be fun, trust me. kevin said that he came here with jacob and changmin and it was really fun. so please, stop being a baby and let's go."

"okay, okay," i sighed. "only to get my mind off of him. don't trust that i'll have a good time."

"you will," chaeryeong gave me a nudge. 

"we'll see about that," i answered. "anyways, breakfast is done, courtesy of me, so let's eat and talk more about this waterfall."

"hey, we helped!" hyunjae pouted. 

"yeah, help almost burn down this fucking apartment."


we distributed the fried rice into bowls and began eating as hyunjae and younghoon began explaining more about the waterfall. it was about an hour drive away from our city and we could go swimming and climb around the rocks. to be honest, it didn't sound terrible.

"okay, i'm officially stuffed," chaeryeong groaned. 

"we want to leave as soon as possible, so is it okay if you digest while packing?" younghoon piped up.

"i might slip into a food coma, but yeah, i'll try," i got up from my seat at the dining table. "hyunjae, can you do the dishes?"

"sure," hyunjae nodded. "i'm already packed anyways."

"i'll help clean up too," younghoon got up. "you two go pack so we can leave as soon as possible."

"got it," us two girls nodded and left the table to go pack up. 

chaeryeong had basically been living at our apartment for half the summer, so a lot of her stuff was here. we packed hats, sunscreen, sunglasses, towels, and other things we found necessary. we wore swimsuits underneath loose t-shirts and shorts and put everything we needed into small backpacks. surprisingly, it didn't take us very long, and after about fifteen minutes we were ready to head to the waterfall. 

"hey! we're done!" i called out as we walked out of my room. 

"oh good, we just finished," hyunjae answered, picking up his backpack. "you ready?"

"what are we waiting for?" chaeryeong grinned. "let's go!"

a/n: i'm honestly so excited to keep writing this story loll~ i hope you all like it so far:) 

{written on august 9th, 2020}

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