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juyeon's pov

my face turned pale at the sound of that voice.

"juyeon hyung!"

none other than eric, mister son youngjae himself, pranced over to me and plopped down next to me. i covered my face with my hands, attempting to save myself from this situation. obviously there was no use, so i removed my hands from my face and looked up at seohyun.

"uh, who are you?" seohyun looked confused as she looked at eric.

"eric. korean name son youngjae," eric answered. "and you are...?"

"seohyun. lee seohyun," she replied. "that girl that nearly died if juyeon didn't catch me before i fell to my inevitable death. are you juyeon's friend?"

"yup," eric nodded. "i'm one of the friends that came with him on this trip to taiwan."

"hold the fucking phone," i cut in. "please don't tell me that--"

eric snickered. "sure, i won't tell you that chanhee hyung, sangyeon hyung, sunwoo hyung, and haknyeon hyung are all here."

"gee thanks eric," i groaned. "i was trying to live a day without you people and here you are. living in the same place as me."

"i mean we all live on planet earth." seohyun added.

eric laughed and they high fived. "dang, hyung. not gonna lie, she's got a good sense of humor."

"yeah, but why does she have to act like you now?" i complained, running to where seohyun was sitting. "seohyun! go back to normal! please!"

she laughed at that. "i would, but there's some people behind you and i'm assuming they know you."

seohyun's pov

juyeon was confused at my words, but looked behind him and let out a long, loud, frustrated groan. the people behind him were three other boys, who i assumed were his friends that eric had mentioned moments earlier.

"so, lee juyeon, what do we have here?" the pink haired one asked. "on a date i see."

"if all of you had to show up why couldn't sangyeon hyung have showed up with you?" juyeon whined. "at least he would've told you people to stop teasing me until the end of time."

"oh, and this is isn't a date. it's a hang out," i corrected him. 

"wow, a feisty one," the red haired one stared at me. "huh, if juyeon hyung isn't after you, i'll gladly--"

"thanks but i'll pass," i gave him a fake smile. "i don't fall in love with people i just met, especially ones who call me feisty. i'd like to think i'm simply correcting all of your errors."

"ouch," the last one said. 

"well sucks to suck, doesn't it?" i rolled my eyes. 

juyeon cleared his throat. "while this conversation has been entertaining and all, uh, seohyun, these are three of my friends. chanhee is the pink haired one, sunwoo is the asshole who called you feisty, and the last one is haknyeon. sangyeon hyung also came with us on this trip, but he's not here for some reason which i'm kind of curious about," he explained, eyeing his friends. 

"sangyeon hyung is at a cafe by himself," eric piped up. "he said that he didn't want to go bowling with us so he'd rather just sit and eat something. we have haknyeon for chinese, so it's not like we ran into any major issues."

"speaking of languages..." haknyeon mumbled. "you're korean, right seohyun?"

"yup," i nodded. "i've lived here most of my life, except for last year, when i studied abroad in japan. i'm full korean, but i moved to taiwan when i was seven. i'm fluent in korean and english since i go to an international school but my chinese is really bad given how long i've lived here and my japanese isn't great but is fine considering i was only there for one year."

"woah, multilingual," chanhee digested this information. 

"hey, so you go to an international school here?" eric asked in english.

i nodded, also switching languages. "yup. the same one ever since i've been here."

"are there a lot of koreans?" haknyeon piped up. 

"you know english?" i asked, surprised.

"yeah, i'm half cantonese," haknyeon explained. 

"ahh, make sense," i nodded. "and there's a decent amount. my brother and some of my friends are a few lanes down if you want to go meet them. they're all korean."

"nah, i'm good," sunwoo shook his head.

at sunwoo's words, a mischievous idea popped into my head. "actually, i have a better idea. sunwoo, because you were such a little sweetheart, consider this my thank you gift," i snickered. "chaeryeong! changmin!"

the two of them were confused at their names being called but walked over anyways. 

"whats up?" changmin asked. "who are these people?"

"these four guys are juyeon's friends," i told him. "mind hanging out with them? if you finish bowling you could show them around."

"i mean, why not?" chaeryeong smiled at them. "i'm chaeryeong by the way. this guy over here is changmin."





"you guys can come over to our lane if you want," chaeryeong offered. changmin nodded as well. "you know, to give these two some privacy," she winked, making me glare at her.

"okay," eric smiled at her. "thanks. bye juyeon hyung and seohyun noona. you're lucky we weren't here long enough to keep teasing you two."

"haha very funny," i said sarcastically. "and eric, if you're a year younger than juyeon, we're actually the same age."

"oh cool," eric answered. "well bye. come on guys."

"lee seohyun, i hate you for this," sunwoo muttered. 

"i just met you. don't take it too personally," i laughed. "now bye."

"bye," sunwoo said, chanhee and haknyeon following behind him as they walked slightly behind changmin, chaeryeong, and eric who were chatting.

"i'm sure the others won't mind," i thought out loud. "at least maybe now we'll have a little bit of peace and quiet."

"no kidding," juyeon laughed. "and looks like they're doing alright," he gestured to a few lanes over, where hyunjae and eric looked like twins and seemed to be getting along really well. "woah. they actually look pretty similar standing next to each other."

"hyunjae and eric?" i thought about it. "now that i think about it, they kind of do. which is kind of creepy since they just met, but at least they're getting along. i mostly just told your friends to go be with my friends to save myself from hyunjae coming over and so that we could be alone."

"and because of sunwoo?" juyeon joked. 

"yes, and obviously because of sunwoo," i smiled. 

"you know, seohyun," juyeon sat up straight. "i was really scared for today to be honest. i was worried about how it would go and i was definitely afraid that it would be really awkward. but you're a cool person."

"thanks," i grinned. "i had the same fears, but i gotta admit, you're pretty cool yourself."

"thanks," juyeon smiled back.

"but i'm still beating you at bowling."

"you fucking wish."

a/n: hehehehe it's not over yet i still have a lot to write but i hope this chapter was enjoyable! i wanted to at least include all of tbz's members more than once (idk what will happen to sangyeon) so i hope this was ok~ sorry this was shorter than my past few chapters but i thought that this was the best ending~

{written on august 13th, 2020}

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