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seohyun's pov

after we went bowling, we decided to cool down and sit down at a little cafe, which just so happened to be the one where juyeon's friend, sangyeon was. he didn't stay with us, but he greeted us as he walked out and we came in. he seemed nice to say the least. 

"i'll go find a place to sit down," juyeon offered. "after all, you should probably order, since we all know that my chinese is so amazing and you need the practice."

"i'm sure that's why," i replied sarcastically. "what do you want?"

"a hot chocolate," juyeon answered. 

"not a coffee person?" i asked. 

"nah," he shook his head. "just not a coffee person in the afternoon."

"understandable," i laughed. 

he turned away from me to go find a table to sit down while i joined the queue leading up to the counter where a barista was taking people's orders. i waited patiently in line until about five minutes had passed and i began to order. 

"i'd like to have one dalgona coffee and one hot chocolate please," i told the lady.

"got it," the barista answered. "what size do you want for the dalgona coffee?"

"uh, small," i thought about it before saying it, taking a precaution so i wouldn't be caffeine high for the rest of the day and could actually sleep normally.

"okay," she nodded. "your total is one hundred and fifty nt," she said as i handed her the money. "thank you. your order will be with you shortly. the order number is on the receipt."

"thank you," i said as i took the receipt from her and walked out of the line. 

i waited near the counter awkwardly for another five minutes until i heard my order number being called by another barista.

"number seventeen, hot chocolate and dalgona coffee!"

i quickly straightened, put my phone in my jeans pocket, and then walked over to the counter to pick up our drinks. i thanked the person before taking the drinks and going to the cafe tables to find wherever juyeon was, which wasn't too difficult. 

"thanks seohyun," juyeon smiled at me as i set the drinks down on the table carefully. "how much was it?"

"don't worry about it," i waved my hand in brisk motions. 

"i feel bad for not paying," juyeon pouted. 

"'you look cute when you do that, you know?'" i imitated his phrase from when we were bowling, trying not to laugh simultaneously.

"wow, lee seohyun, making fun of me i see," he shook his head in disbelief. "i thought you were nicer than that."

"just think of it as a part of you getting to know me," i grinned. 

"well, that's why we're sitting here, aren't we?" he sipped his hot chocolate. "well, unless we're sitting here so you can give yourself a dalgona coffee mustache," he pointed at my upper lip. i pulled out my phone to see my reflection, where a line of dalgona coffee had made it's way above my lips.

"or so you could give yourself a whipped cream mustache," i snorted as i wiped away the coffee. "not a good look on you, just so you know."

"shut up," he rolled his eyes. "now tell me about yourself. all i really know is that you're seventeen years old and have an overprotective older brother. and that you're pretty good at bowling."

"well, if you must know," i continued. "for the basic facts about me, i actually play varsity basketball for my school. and i'm about to head into my senior year of high school. my mom owns a cafe, so i'm only with hyunjae most of the time, unless our friends come over, which happens a lot more than you'd think. i'm also kind of into cooking and dancing, but i don't do it as much as i used to since i focus a lot on basketball and schoolwork."

"i'm into basketball and dancing too actually," juyeon piped up. "and if you want me to say exactly what you said, i'm about to head into my first year of college at seoul national university, but you already knew that. i have a brother that's a couple of years younger than me, and my mom doesn't work but my dad works overseas doing business so he isn't home very often."

"oh, you must miss him," i looked at him with a sympathetic expression. i could relate.

"yeah, but not as much as i used to," he shrugged. "he comes back every month to visit, so it could be worse. plus, it was kind of a  practice for college. you know, living away from home and all that."

"i guess so," i nodded. "are you introverted or extroverted?"

"i took that mbti personality test thingy and i got entp, but i used to be enfp," he answered. "so extroverted. how about you?"

"i'm actually ninety percent introverted," i confessed. "if i get to know someone i can act extroverted and be loud, but honestly, some people just drain me of energy within the first few minutes of being with them. as for personality type, i'm infp."

"cool," juyeon nodded. "wait, am i draining you of energy?" he suddenly panicked, making me giggle.

"you're fine," i reassured him. "i mostly get drained of energy at school and stuff. you're fine. you're interesting enough," i joked.

"i would hope so," he mustered a smile. "what's school like in taiwan? i've never studied abroad before."

"it's pretty nice," i explained. "i go to a pretty small international school, and it's a nice community. almost everyone knows each other and we always help each other. it is kind of an academic school so classes can be difficult, but i can get pretty okay grades."

"what's your definition of pretty okay?" he raised an eyebrow.

"like straight as," i shrugged. "some a minuses. i try to not get below an a minus."

"bro, that's not pretty okay. that's pretty amazing," he told me. "i swear, people worry about grades too much these days."

"you don't?" i asked. "i used to care a lot more before, but i know that getting a b plus isn't the end of the world. it just bothers me if i only get a b plus and everything else is an a."

"that's still being hard on yourself," he corrected me. "and i mean, yeah, of course i care. i don't want to fail school. my parents did want me to do really well in school, so i felt that pressure, but the pressure kind of died down once i realized that i just needed to do my best. while school is a priority in life, it doesn't mean that you always have to be stressed over it."

"yeah," i nodded in agreement. "i guess so. i don't know. i'm just used to caring about it."

"it's fine to care about it as long as it isn't affecting your mental health," he agreed. 

"wow, you sound like a motivational speaker," i snickered. "i can imagine you in front of a crowd, using those repetitive hand motions as you emphasize random words."

"shut up," he hit my arm playfully.

"wow, you really like that phrase don't you."

"shut the fuck up. better?"

"it's a start."

a/n: lol this chapter ended super badly and i forgot to update yesterday but it's okay lol~ hope you all liked it and have been liking this story! i didn't know how to end this chapter but i'm hoping to aim for twenty chapters in total for this story including the epilogue, but even more would be great lol~

{written on august 16th, 2020}

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