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seohyun's pov

we took the elevator back down to my apartment and finally got out of the pouring rain. once we went down, i quietly took out my house key and unlocked the door, only to have hyunjae staring right at me as i opened it, with younghoon a few feet behind him, laughing.

"uh, nice to see you too hyunjae?" i looked up at my brother before crouching under his arm to pass through, which unfortunately, was unsuccessful since he threw me over his shoulder.

"lee seohyun don't you think coming home at two in the morning is a little bit crossing the line?" hyunjae eyed me suspiciously. "oh, not to mention the fact that you're with a GUY!"

"at least you know who he is," i scoffed. hyunjae finally put me down and i sat down on the couch next to juyeon. "and it's for his own good. it's two in the morning and i don't think it's safe for him to go out in a place he's unfamiliar with."

"of course you'd do something like that," hyunjae sighed. "but where's he going to sleep?"

"uh, i can just sleep on the couch," juyeon offered. i shook my head.

"no it's okay," i told him. "you can sleep in my room. i'll sleep on the couch."

"you're letting this guy in your room?" hyunjae said incredulously. "how about i sleep in my room with juyeon and you can sleep in your room with younghoon."

"and you think my idea is insane?" i rolled my eyes. "how is younghoon in my room while i'm in the room any better?" 

"would you people just chill out?" younghoon spoke up. "here's a great idea. hyunjae, i'll just sleep in your room with you like normal. juyeon, go to seohyun's room. and seohyun, just go to your mom's room or sleep on the couch, i don't care."

"and this is why we have younghoonie here," i glared at hyunjae who stuck his tongue out at me in response. 

"be quiet," hyunjae muttered. "anyways, juyeon, her room is second door to the right, and the bathroom is first door to the right. younghoon can help you. now, if you'll excuse us, i need to have a little chat with seohyun over here."

"really?" i sighed. 

"yes, really," hyunjae answered, dragging me away.

"is he always like this?" i heard juyeon say to younghoon.

"unfortunately, yes," younghoon whispered back. i stifled my giggles as hyunjae pulled me into his room.

"okay, so what happened?" hyunjae asked. "what did you talk about? did you hug? did you kiss? did you lose your virginity?"

i facepalmed. "really hyunjae? you think i'm that much of a slut to do that?"

"okay, okay, that was an exaggeration," hyunjae admitted. "but what about the other stuff?"

"well, i told him everything," i said. "he's super caring and really nice to be around. he even saved me from eunwoo--"

"hold up," my brother interrupted me. "cha fucking eunwoo showed up?"

"yeah," i nodded. "he tried to take me away when we were eating and juyeon was in the bathroom, but thankfully juyeon pretended to be my boyfriend and eunwoo went away."

"i'm glad you're safe," hyunjae hugged me. "and i'm really thankful towards juyeon for that. dang, didn't know he was like that."

"he made me feel really safe," i told him. "safer than i've felt in awhile. so will you stop overreacting about him and let me live my life?" i asked.

"yeah," hyunjae nodded. "you should know though, that ever since eunwoo, i just, don't want you to get hurt," he said quietly. "i know i'm loud and that's just my personality, but i really don't want you to fall into a dark state because of a boy. you don't deserve that."

"i know, thanks," i replied. "so, promise you won't kill him secretly when you go to uni together?"

hyunjae laughed at that. "promise."

after he said that, the two of us walked out of his room to see juyeon and younghoon talking and laughing together. we plopped down next to them to join their conversation.

"what's so funny?" i asked. 

"younghoon hyung was telling me about when you did aegyo to him and hyunjae so that they would buy you a bubble tea," juyeon explained, grinning. 

"did you show him the video?" hyunjae added, a smile starting to form on his face as well.

"i was just about to," younghoon snickered as i hid my face in my hands while juyeon craned his neck to see the video that was about to play on younghoon's phone. i heard the laughter and giggles of three almost-college boys as they watched me do the gwiyomi song.

"ugh, you guys are the worst," i grumbled, looking back up once the song ended. 

"hey, at least it was cute," juyeon smiled at me. 

"are you sure you're not talking about your aegyo?" i snorted. 

younghoon held his hand up. "hold up. you did aegyo to seohyun today?" 

"i'm sorry i'm laughing," hyunjae literally began dying of laughter. "what did you do?"

"he got jealous that i called one of his friends cute, and i literally meant it in a baby kind of way," i explained. "'seohyun! if you don't say i'm cuter than chanhee, i'm going to get mad! juyeon doesn't want seohyun to like chanhee better!" i imitated juyeon word for word, making hyunjae to continue to die laughing and younghoon to join him.

"i know i just met you but i genuinely can't match your looks to whatever it was that she just did," hyunjae took a deep breath as he tried to regain his composure.

"my personality is really opposite to my looks, trust me," juyeon answered. 

"he speaks the truth," i told them. "i met his friends, and even though he looks the most intimidating out of all of them he's actually the most cute and naive, while the friend that looks cute and bright is the most savage one of the bunch."

"chanhee, right?" hyunjae asked and juyeon nodded. "he clicked pretty well with younghoon over here."

"shut up," younghoon hit hyunjae's shoulder.

"dude, it's true," hyunjae said. "you acted like best friends."

"how did that stuff go with all of my friends?" juyeon piped up.

"for the basic rundown," younghoon began. "apparently, according to hyunjae, me and chanhee were bffs. that's ironic though, since hyunjae and that eric dude literally look like twins and act like twins but whatever. the sunwoo and the haknyeon guys got along well with the rest of them. oh, and sunwoo told us he wants to slap you seohyun."

"we live in two different countries, i'm sure i won't seem him," i chuckled. "anywho, it's late, so we should go to sleep."

"no, you go to sleep," hyunjae pushed me away. "i'm going to get to know your boy over here."

"yeah go away seohyun, i like your brother better," juyeon said teasingly.

"shut up," i rolled my eyes as i walked away.

"it's okay seohyun, i like you better than hyunjae," younghoon called out to me.


a/n: lmaoo it literally took me so long to write this chapter and it's been a while since i last updated but i hope you all enjoyed the chapter! this story will be coming to close a very soon but i've really loved writing it~

also, happy hyunjae day<3

{written on september 13th, 2020}

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