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seohyun's pov

for the drive to the waterfall, younghoon was behind the wheel, which i was grateful for since a, i don't trust hyunjae to drive on a long car ride, and b, hyunjae was completely knocked out. i took a few photos of him sleeping, being the younger sister i am, and made conversation with younghoon and chaeryeong as we drove.

after what felt like the longest hour of my life -- i hate car rides -- we arrived at the waterfall. or, some weird parking lot of a hiking trail.

"uh, where's the waterfall?" i asked.

hyunjae snickered. "are you serious? it's not just going to be right there. we need to take a twenty minute hike to get there. it's not that hard."

"but i hate bugs, and plants," i shuddered. "this was a bad idea."

"come on! live a little," chaeryeong said encouragingly. "we don't get to come here very often and we definitely won't be able to once these two head off to korea. so, miss lee seohyun, would you be so kind as to not complain?"

"okay, okay, sorry," i apologized.

"great, then let's go," younghoon grinned, pulling all three of us -- chaeryeong had already been holding my hand -- with him towards the hiking trail.

"YAH KIM YOUNGHOON SLOW DOWN!" chaeryeong shrieked as we sped towards the greenery.

"LIVE A LITTLE LEE CHAERYEONG!" younghoon imitated the girl as he continued to run. "this whole part of the trail is flat! and paved! it's not like you're going to fall into a snake hole or something. save your fear for when you jump off the waterfall."

"would now be a good time to bring up the fact that i'm really afraid of heights?" i interrupted.

"well, live a little," hyunjae gave me a teasing smile as we slowed down and began walking at a more normal pace.

"live a little," i said in a childish, mocking tone.

"hey, lee seohyun, you're mocking me too, so watch your mouth," chae looked at me seriously.

"why do you have to look so scary when you get angry?" younghoon laughed.

"so people take me seriously, duh," chaeryeong flipped her hair sassily.

"oh, lee chaeryeong, always have to be so extra, don't you?" i said teasingly. "also, how much longer is it going to take for us to get there?"

"not long, don't worry seohyun," younghoon smiled at me.

"i can't wait to jump off the waterfall," hyunjae said excitedly. "changmin said it was really fun and it was super pretty."

"instagram photoshoot time!" chaeryeong whispered to me.

"are you really going to make us your slaves for the millionth time and force us to take zillions of photos for you two?" younghoon sighed. "you know how painful it is?"

"hey, be lucky that we even consider the two of you good enough to take photos of us," i said. "unlike you, we need the perfect angle and lighting to look decent. all you and hyunjae have to do is take off your shirt and boom, a thousand likes."

"shut up," hyunjae rolled his eyes.

"remember all your fangirls hyunjae?" i blinked my eyes innocently. "there was chaemin, yeonhee, oh wow, and even a straight guy fell for you. what was his name again?"

"hey, i didn't have half as many as younghoonie," hyunjae defended himself.

"yeah but unlike me, you were a flirty little shit with them most of the time," younghoon said casually.

"oof, hyunjae exposed," chaeryeong giggled.

"ugh, why did you have to bring that up lee seohyun?" hyunjae groaned.

"you're lucky we just got to the waterfall, or i would've been teasing you about that even more," i snickered.

"dang, kevin wasn't lying. this place is drop dead gorgeous," chaeryeong gaped at the sight.

"no kidding," younghoon agreed.

and i had to agree. this waterfall was super pretty. sure, there were a few people there, but it was amazing. the water crashing down was somewhat soothing, and it was a really beautiful sight. it was a really indescribable feeling and somehow gave me a sense of calmness and peace. my eyes were then drawn to someone leaping off a rock right next to the waterfall and cannon-balling into the vast pool of water. it look kind of fun and exhilarating, but with my fear of heights, i doubted that i could do it.

"guys, come on! let's go put our stuff down, get changed, and go swimming!" chaeryeong exclaimed. we all followed her to a shaded area, put our stuff down and took off our cover-ups. when we were all ready, the four of us ran into the water.

"WHAT THE FUCK IT'S FREEZING IN HERE!" i screamed as my feet hit the water.

"come on seohyun!" younghoon surfaced from the water, flipping his wet hair back.

"yeah, come on little sis," hyunjae gave a mischievous little grin. "come in, or i'll make you."

"oh lee jaehyun, don't you dare," i glared at him.

"woah, using my full name? you're really asking for it," hyunjae snickered.

he ran up to me, despite my attempts at running away, scooped me up, and threw me into the freezing cold water. i felt my entire body go cold as it hit the water and i surfaced.

"LEE FUCKING JAEHYUN I AM FREEZING!" i yelled at my brother who was laughing his head off, along with our two friends. "wow, aren't you a nice group of friends."

"love you too seohyun," chaeryeong giggled.

the four of us continued to have fun in the water, swimming about and going to different edges of the water, deep and shallow. eventually, me and chaeryeong got a little bit tired and decided to kind of dry off at a corner near the water but away from our stuff.

"i'm going to jump the waterfall," hyunjae grinned, shaking his head to get some of the water out of his hair. "wish me luck."

"i won't," i said sweetly as he flicked my forehead as he walked past. "oh, how annoying can older brothers be, right? uh, chae?"

i waved my hand in my best friend's face, which seemed to be transfixed by something.

"uh, earth to chae? what are you looking at?" i asked, curious.

"rock. waterfall. about to jump. guy," chaeryeong said.

i looked up to the rock that was next to the waterfall where people were jumping to see...hyunjae?

"uh, chae, are you into my brother or something?" i asked, confused.

"no, him," she pointed.

i looked at where she was pointing and finally understood why she was in shock.

standing just a few feet away from my brother, about to jump the waterfall was the most beautiful guy i had ever seen. he was tall, fairly muscular, and had a pretty good looking face. he smiled as he launched into the air and jumped into the water. i blinked.

"oh my god chaeryeong that is the most beautiful guy i have ever seen," i gaped.

"i know right?" chaeryeong giggled.

"back off he's mine bitch," i grinned.

"looks like someone's over cha eunwoo," she laughed.

a/n: honestly i didn't know how to end the chapter but that's what we're going with...and yes, don't worry, juyeon's appearance will be very soon:)

{written on august 9th, 2020}

waterfall // lee juyeonWhere stories live. Discover now