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seohyun's pov

"let's fucking go!"

i sighed, for what seemed like the millionth time as juyeon whooped and hollered at his strike. and i say the millionth time because it literally feels like he's had a million strikes. i, on the other hand have been playing terribly, barely making any strikes or spares and have had waaaaay to many balls go down the gutter, for me at least.

"so this is what people mean when they say you shouldn't say something or else the opposite happens," i sighed as juyeon sat back down. "karma really is a bitch."

"nah, seohyun," juyeon reassured me. "you're fine. you're actually pretty good."

"i've had so many fucking balls go down the gutter!" i complained. "that never happens. what is happening to me?"

"seohyun, it was two," juyeon burst out laughing. "and what's happening is that you're playing against the best bowling player in this entire universe. and the best looking bowling player in this entire universe," juyeon winked.

"i swear you're one of the most narcissistic assholes i've ever met," i told him. "you could be best friends with hyunjae."

"did you just brother zone me?" juyeon gasped, clutching his chest as if he was in pain. "i'm hurt seohyun."

"take it or leave it," i grinned. 

i stood back up and went to go select a ball to throw. deciding that this really was going to be a loss for me either way, i decided to "yolo" it and throw it backwards in between my legs. 

"you're really doing that?" juyeon asked as i prepared my stance.

"yup," i called back. "it's not like i have anything to lose anyway. might as well try it."

i held the ball in my two hands and took a deep breath, before slightly swinging it upward and then hurling between my legs. once the ball was released from my hands, i turned around to see the ball speeding down the lane in a surprisingly straight and perfect fashion. i was surprised even more when it crashed into the pins, knocking down not eight, not nine...but all ten pins.

"what the actual fuck?" i blinked. juyeon stood up from where he was and ran over to me, giving me a hug. 

"good job seohyun!" juyeon exclaimed. "although, not gonna lie, i wasn't expecting it to go in, but nice job! maybe that's the way you should've been throwing it the whole time," juyeon suggested. 

"now that you mention it, why not?" i shrugged. 

and surprisingly, that worked. 

my amazing throw between the legs strategy actually paid off. i got quite a few strikes and almost caught up to juyeon. naturally, i didn't make every shot, since that's highly unlikely for anyone, but the new throwing technique definitely improved my performance, which seems shocking, but that's what happened.

"good job seohyun!" juyeon cheered me on as i rolled another ball down and managed to save myself with a spare. "i gotta admit, you're not too bad."

"of course," i flipped my hair sassily, making him laugh. 

"but seohyun," juyeon stopped me. "you know we have to finish this game off well."

i rolled my eyes at him as he flashed me a smile before stepped up to bowl. he picked a ball off of the rack and with perfect form, rolled it down the lane, scoring him his billionth and final strike of the game. 

"fuck you for that," i grumbled. 

"you wish," juyeon smirked. 

"ew, you're nasty," i gagged. "and here i was, thinking that you were the first boy who wouldn't have nasty thoughts every two seconds."

"what can i say? i am a part of the male population," juyeon shrugged. "we all learn and have those things in our minds at some point."

"okay okay end of conversation," i plugged my ears with my hands to block him out. juyeon laughed at that and removed my hands from the side of my face. "anyways, now that we're done with bowling, what else do you want to do?"

"not sure," juyeon answered.

there was an awkward moment of silence until i felt a hand ruffle my hair gently. 

"what the fuck?" i nearly screamed as i instantly got up turned around to see hyunjae laughing at me. "what are you doing here hyunjae?"

"just spying on you," he said casually, plopping down next to me. "so, how's it going?"

"really bad now that you're here," i mumbled. "on another note, juyeon can be best friends with you. the two of you are shockingly both freakishly narcissistic assholes."

"hey!" the two boys glared at me. i gave them a fake smile in return. 

"i apologize for this person who is apparently my sister," hyunjae told juyeon. "i will gladly take her place so you don't have to go through with her."

"says the guy that was sooo skeptical of me even coming here," i muttered. "and you're really out here trying to replace younghoon?"

"how undramatic of you," hyunjae said sarcastically. "and well, he seems nice based off of what i've seen so far. and there is the chance that i'll seem in korea anyways, so why not get to know him?"

"and take him away from this hangout with the best person ever?"

"ahem, 'he/him' can hear you," juyeon interrupted, laughing. "i mean, hyunjae, dude, if you ever want to hangout in korea, let me know. i can return the favor and show you around."

"sounds good," hyunjae nodded. "i'll let you know. and leave you two alone."

"thank you," i emphasized the two words quite boldly as my older brother left. "sorry about that fuss," i quickly apologized to juyeon, looking away from him.

"don't worry about it," juyeon came over and sat next to me. "trust me. honestly, your sibling relationship is pretty cute. it's really cool that he's overprotective of you and cares about you so much, especially since i have friends that neglect their younger sisters that are a couple years younger than them. if i was an older brother with a younger sister, i'd want to follow your brother's example."

"wow," i blinked. "that got deep real quick."

"yeah," juyeon scratched the back of his neck. "we can get to that later. i need to get to know you better anyways."

"i'd like that," i smiled at him. "come on," i continued, grabbing his hand. "let's go!"

a/n: i really apologize for this chapter cause it was pretty bad lmaoo~ i wanted to mention them actually bowling and included some other random crap in there so this was more of a filler chapter! hope you all have been enjoying this story so far (to some degree lol)

{written on august 14th, 2020}

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