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seohyun's pov

"hey!" i yelped at the sudden contact. i whipped around to confront the person who had pulled my arm and froze.

it was eunwoo.

"eunwoo, what the fuck are you doing here?" i tried to yank my arm away from his grasp but he held onto my wrist tightly. 

"well, thanks to your friends' instagram stories, i was deeply troubled to find out that you were hanging out with some guy," he stared at me intensely. "that's not okay."

"we're not fucking dating!" i exclaimed, exasperated. "and even if i was dating someone else, what's it to you? you broke up with me and left me heartbroken. why are you suddenly all up in my business?"

"even if i'm not dating you, that doesn't mean someone else can," he said simply, making me roll my eyes. 

"oh please," i said sarcastically. "i've heard all about the hookups you've had with other girls from other schools. i'm not stupid. word travels fast, cha eunwoo. whether you like it or not, i don't want to date you anymore."

"not so fast," eunwoo glared at me, still holding my arm. "you're coming with me."

"let go!" i struggled to break free from his grip. as i tried, i glanced at the path leading to the bathrooms. where was juyeon when you needed him?

"why not? i bet i'm much better than that guy you're with," eunwoo sneered. "now hurry up, people will start staring if you don't listen."

"why should i even listen to you?" tears pooled in my eyes. "you can't suddenly come up to me like a stalker and demand that i love you again when you were the one who decided that i wasn't good enough. for eleven fucking months you treated me like a piece of shit and i was too blind to realize it. well, news flash, cha eunwoo. i know what you did to me. i am not letting myself get manipulated by you again. i don't need you in my life anymore."

"that's what you think," he said casually. "too bad i don't think so."

i nearly let out a scream as he pulled my arm and attempted to drag me to the entrance of the restaurant. thanks to the stupidly loud rock music that someone had requested -- the restaurant had a little counter where you could pay to choose a song that would play in the restaurant -- no one could hear my screams or they just thought it was a part of the song. i felt hopeless. i couldn't break free and i felt like i couldn't do anything. eunwoo would take me and juyeon would think i stood him up. 


eunwoo stopped at the sudden yell coming from a familiar voice. 

"what the hell do you think you're doing to my girlfriend?" juyeon glared at eunwoo. he walked over to the two of us, yanked his hand off of my wrist, and hid me behind him. 

"so this is the new guy you've been seeing," eunwoo gave juyeon the once over. "what the fuck do you even find attractive about him? i'm me, and he's just him. what's there to like about him?"

"an infinite amount of reasons compared to you," i said strongly, stepping out from behind juyeon. 

"listen, you fucking bitch, seohyun is mine, and i don't know what you're doing with her, but she belongs to me," eunwoo growled.

"last i checked, i was the one dating her," juyeon shot back, putting his arm around me. "i don't know who you are and what your business is with her, but i can already tell that i'll treat her way better than you ever could. mark my fucking words. you lay a hand on her and you will regret that moment for the rest of your life."

"well, for your information, i'm her ex boyfriend," eunwoo corrected him. "and even if i'm not dating her, no one can."

"you know how fucking messed up that is?" juyeon said, exasperated. "but mr. ex boyfriend, i don't care what you think. i'm the one dating seohyun and i will protect her. so leave this place now. you heard me. get the fuck out of here."

"as you wish," eunwoo smirked. "goodbye. for now," he said as the automatic doors opened and he left the restaurant. 

i let out a huge sigh of relief as i saw my ex walk away from the restaurant. the second eunwoo was out of earshot juyeon hugged me tightly. 

"woah, woah, relax," i laughed, wrapping my arms around him in response. 

"sorry, i'm just worried about you," juyeon let go. "are you okay? i'm so sorry i was gone and i couldn't protect you better--"

"juyeon, trust me, you did way more then i ever could've asked for," i smiled at him. "thanks for doing that."

"is your wrist okay though?" he asked, still visibly very worried. i nodded as he looked at it and inspected it closely.

"it's just red for now," i shrugged. "it's not too serious. it'll be fine."

"i would've never forgiven myself if you'd gotten hurt," he looked down at the floor.

"you really are a saint," i chuckled as we walked back to our table. "lee juyeon, we met yesterday. yesterday! and here you are, being the kindest guy in the world to me. i don't know how i managed to meet you but i'm really glad i did."

"thanks," he looked down for some reason, which appeared to be the fact that his cheeks were turning pink. 

"are you blushing?" i asked. 

"no!" he quickly shook his head. "oh, would you look at that, the food's here."

"you got lucky this time, lee juyeon," i laughed. 

we ate our meal almost in absolute silence, since we were both really hungry. it was really nice, sitting there and eating together. the restaurant's music had finally turned into something more quiet and melodic, and it felt peaceful and nice. after we finished eating, we gathered our belongings, making sure nothing was left behind, and walked out the door. 

"so, anything you want to do now?" i asked. "or do you want to leave? your choice."

"seohyun, uh," he scratched the back of his neck. "can i ask you something?"

"yeah, of course," i nodded.

"what exactly happened between you and your ex boyfriend?" juyeon asked as i sucked in a deep breath. "you obviously don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but--"

i interrupted him. "no, it's fine. after what happened, i'm sure you're curious," i sighed.

"come with me. i know a place we can go to and i'll tell you all about it."

a/n: ahhhh sorry this chapter was a little bit short but i hope it was worth it! i've loved writing this story:) please let me know if you have any suggestions for a next story that i write, especially if it's for tbz since i want to write a hyunjae or younghoon ff sometime~

{written on august 19th, 2020}

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