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seohyun's pov

juyeon and i spent the rest of our afternoon until five at night sitting at the cafe, talking endlessly about ourselves and getting to know each other. it was nice, honestly. i couldn't believe how fast i was opening up to him, and i'd never felt so safe talking to someone -- aside from chaeryeong, hyunjae, and younghoon -- in a long time.

"is your hair naturally wavy like that?" juyeon asked all of a sudden. 

"yeah," i nodded. "my mom's is like this, but she straightens her hair all the time. why the sudden question though?"

"i kind of spaced out and started looking at your hair," he said sheepishly. "it's really pretty. you dyed it, right?"

"no, i just have two toned colored hair," i replied sarcastically, touching the roots of my hair that were starting to go black again. 

"i don't think i've ever met anyone that's more sarcastic than you," he told me as we began cleaning up our cups and bunching up and throwing away stray tissues.

"it's a gift," i said casually as we stood up to put the mugs at the shelf recycle counter. "it comes in handy when you have a gullible group of friends."

juyeon shook his head. "they can't be any more gullible than me. once, someone told me that if i bit an onion while chopping onions i wouldn't cry, and i believed them so i did it," he shared his anecdote with me, making me burst out laughing.

"i'm sorry," i tried to regain my composure as we walked out of the cafe with people staring at us. "you did what?"

"don't make me repeat myself," juyeon sighed. "i'm still embarrassed by it. i'm friends with a lot of pranksters, so that type of thing happens way more often than you would think."

"huh, interesting," i took in this information. "you seem like the most innocent and naive one out of your friends, even though you don't look like it."

"wow, stereotyping people here i see," juyeon eyed me. "what do i look like?"

"uh, no offense, but you kind of look like a playboy," i answered honestly.

"i'm far from it," he laughed. "but i guess so. people say i look pretty cold-hearted at first, which is understandable. i mean, look at my face," he pointed at himself, making me giggle. 

"yes, we all know how handsome you are," i rolled my eyes. "but in all seriousness, if i had to look at your friends and choose the one that looks the most naive and innocent, i'd probably choose that chanhee guy. he just emanates cute vibes."

juyeon shook his head vigorously. "he's literally the furthest from that out of all of our friends. well, maybe he's tied with sunwoo. he definitely looks like a cute ball of sunshine, but in reality he's super sarcastic and is the furthest thing from cute. he scares me somtimes, to be completely honest."

"i don't think i could ever look at his face or hear his voice and be scared," i snorted. "he's so cute. he has aegyo and all that written all over him."

"do you think he's cuter than me?" juyeon asked randomly.

"you really are asking for a bunch of compliments," i sighed. "no. because you're asking no."

"seohyun! if you don't say i'm cuter than chanhee, i'm going to get mad," he pouted using that classic aegyo tone. "juyeon doesn't want seohyun to like chanhee better," he continued with the aegyo, making me blush.

"okay fine, fine, you're cuter," i answered reluctantly, trying to look away from him to hide the redness appearing on my cheeks. "geez, i feel like i'm dating you even though i literally met you yesterday."

"i know you love me," he grinned. "and you should feel honored. i've never tried to do aegyo before."

"so you decided to use aegyo for the first time on a girl you met yesterday? and i thought i made questionable decisions," i snorted. 

"i mean if it makes you think i'm the best, i'll take it," he grinned at me. "which i am, by the way, before you have any second thoughts."

"we're not even dating," i laughed. 

"so? that doesn't mean i'm not a good standard for a guy you'd date," he pointed out. 

"so i should look for an average looking guy that likes hot chocolate in the afternoon, lives in seoul, and is narcissistic?" i raised my eyebrow at him. "wow, sounds like a real keeper."

"is there ever a second where you aren't sarcastic?" he asked.

"nope," i shook my head. "it makes conversations more interesting anyways, so why not? also, do you just want to keep walking around? or do you want to go do something?"

"if walking around for now is okay, then walking," he answered. "it's nice talking to you."

"well i'm honored," i replied as we kept walking past endless stores and shops. "what else have you done since you've been here?"

"there were a few trips to the beach, the waterfall of course, an amusement park, and lots of random walking around and going to a bunch of restaurants," he recollected his past two weeks of vacation. "haknyeon is a really big foodie, and since there's a lot of famous and unique dishes here he wants to eat as much of them as possible, and i tend to tag along if i feel like it," he explained. "he eats a lot though, so most of the time, saying 'i feel like it' is more like over two thirds of my total meals in taiwan."

"i can't blame him," i sighed. "there's probably still a bunch of things even i haven't tried, and i've lived here for years. i normally stick to my few favorites."

"like what?" he piped up.

"beef noodles, stinky tofu, bubble tea, mango shaved ice, you know, the goods," i shrugged. "there's more too, but i'm too lazy to think of it all."

"you like stinky tofu?" juyeon's nose wrinkled as if to say, "ew, that's nasty." 

"yup," i nodded. "it's good. people hate on it too much but it's not so bad once you get past the smell. the smell isn't even that bad. people just over exaggerate it."

"nah, i think it's just bad," juyeon gagged. "haknyeon brought some back from the night market last night for all of us to try for fun. he liked it to some degree, and so did sangyeon and chanhee, but the rest of us hated it. i don't get it. it smells bad and then it tastes bad. what there to like?"

"lee juyeon, you take that back right now," i said, offended. 

"are you really starting an argument over stinky tofu right now?" he raised his eyebrows at me. 

"you told me you started an argument with your friends about whether raisins should be in bread or not," i copied his facial expression. "this is literally no different."

"can we not do this? i'm too lazy," juyeon whined. 

"then stop shitting on my stinky tofu," i said defensively. 

"okay, okay," he nodded. "it's still nasty though."


a/n: lmaoo i know that a lot of what i've been writing has just been very filler-like chapters, but trust me, i have a plot for this! i just wanted to make this story a decent length and i figure that you get some cute juyeon and seohyun moments (lol the aegyo though) so why not? hope you all have been enjoying this story~

{written on august 17th, 2020}

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