~1~ Butterflies

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Ellie's POV

I have knots in my stomach. The thought of transferring to this firehouse shouldn't be a big deal. I know Chief Ryder; Our families go way back.  However, the thought of having to start all the way over again terrifies me. I'm a great paramedic. I'm good at my job, and the thrill each time the bell goes off gives me a rush.

However, this house feels different...This house is a family. From rumors I've heard, once you're in there, you're family. What if they don't like me? I got hired in as the PIC (paramedic in charge), and I'm just praying that my partner doesn't feel like I'm trying to overstep.

I walk into the huge apparatus bay with confidence. I left my fear at the car; There's no fear in the firehouse. Once inside I see three huge monstrous vehicles: Engine, Truck, and Squad. To my left I see my rig: The ambulance. I'm trying to take it all in as quickly as I can, before I draw too much attention.

"Freeman?!" My head snaps up as I hear my surname. I see a skinny, yet muscular man smiling as he's walking towards me.

"Yes Sir!" I smile as I reach out my hand for him to shake. Confidence is exuding me at this point. My switch has been flipped, and my previous nerves are nonexistent.

"My name is Lieutenant Greene, and I'm on truck. It's very nice to meet you. Chief Ryder is waiting for you in his office."

"Ok great, thanks Lieutenant," I say as I follow him through the bay. Once I go inside the doors on the left, I instantly feel at home. The small common area is filled with laughter and crazy. The TV is on and several men are sitting on the couch, watching the game. 

There's a man at the kitchen stove cooking, with the word CANDIDATE written on his shirt. He must be the low man on the totem pole, responsible for the cooking. Interesting.

I follow Lieutenant Greene through the common area and into the offices; I'm trying to take all of this in quickly. So many faces, so many unanswered questions...So little time to put it all together.

Lieutenant Greene is handsome, but not in a way that interests me. He's fit, but not bulky. He has short, sandy blonde hair with a strong jawline. He smiles as he leads me into Chief's office, and I immediately feel at ease around him.

"Chief Ryder, Freeman is here," Greene says as I shuffle in after him.

"Ellie!!!" Chief Ryder grins as he comes over, giving me the biggest hug; I love this man. He feels like the father figure I wish my dad was.

"Hey Chief Ryder, it's so great to see you again," I say as I take in his office. His desk is unorganized. It looks like he's got something going on, the way paperwork is strewn all over the desk and a pen has broken, dripping ink onto the wood.

"Tell me Ellie, how's your family?"

"Family is good, sir. Thanks for asking," I reply with a tight grin on my face. I'm praying he doesn't dig deeper.

"How's Liam?" Chief Ryder asks, crossing his arms and resting his weight on the back of his desk.

"Liam's doing well. He keeps me on my toes, sir."

As I answered that question, I notice then that there's someone else in the room. He's lounging over by the window, staring intently at me. My breath hitches a little. My goodness he's good looking. I make a mental note to stay away from him at all costs.

"How are you and Alex handling co-parenting? Is Alex still in Liam's life?" Chief Ryder prods

I start shifting my weight. I really don't want to get into my private life the first ten minutes on the job, with Lieutenant Greene and beautiful Mystery Man listening quietly in the background.

"We're doing great. Alex and I are still friends and we have Liam equally."

"He's probably close to being a teenager by now, isn't he?" Chief Ryder lifts one eyebrow up and tilts his chin, trying to calculate the years.

"Yes sir, Liam just turned 15," I answer as I brace for the next response.

"You have a 15 year old son?!?" Lieutenant Greene gasps, with his mouth hanging open.

"I do, I had him when I was 16."

Short and sweet. Maybe if I don't give too many details, they will drop it. I'm not proud of my past, but if I didn't make the decisions I did, I wouldn't have Liam. I wouldn't change the past for anything. However, that doesn't mean I always want to be known as the girl who got knocked up at 16 with her boyfriend who was more like her best friend.

I'm 30 and I want to start finding out who I am, and not the little girl who had to get her GED with a baby on her hip.

"What's Alex doing now?" Chief Ryder continues his interrogation and I continue to get more uncomfortable.

"Alex is a cop over at the precinct."

Alex has actually done pretty well for himself. I'm proud of him. He never left my side, even though we both knew we were no good at being together. He was just my very best friend.

He isn't the best at discipline...that has always fallen on me. That has been our only tension in our relationship. He wants to be the good guy, the fun dad. He wants to be his friend. His job involves people always hating him. He wants to come home and have his son love him. I get it, but it still always makes me feel alone. 

Chief Ryder smiles, finally understanding my wish for this conversation to turn. So he turns it, only not in the direction I was hoping.

"How are your brothers and dad?"

Inwardly I'm fuming. I don't want to keep talking about my family. I'm here to do a job. Not air out all my dirty laundry. Outwardly, however, I continue to smile.

"Jake and Justin are fine. I don't see much of either of them. My dad is doing well too."

I'm not talking about this anymore...I hope.

Chief Ryder stands back up, and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"I hope you're very happy here. We're so lucky to have you. You already met Lieutenant Wes Greene, and this guy over here is Lieutenant Taylor Preston. He's on Squad."

I look over at "Mystery Man" as he dips his head and smiles. Still silent. Still beautiful.

"It's nice to meet you," I reply, setting my jaw and straightening my shoulders. I will not fall for this man. I have my rules, and he will NOT make me break them.

"If you would all excuse me, I would love to meet my partner and get the gist of things before a call comes in."

"Of course," Chief Ryder replies as he motions for the door...My chance to escape.

I swiftly turn and leave, while quietly shutting the door, taking a deep breath as I do. Something tells me this is only the beginning...

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