~2~ Interesting

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Taylor's POV

I'm content where I am. My "no strings" mentality has gotten me far, and I have no intentions on settling down. Too much work. My love is firefighting... It's the only thing I need.

Breaking through a door and going into a building with zero visibility gives me a high. Finding a victim, carrying them out, and having them survive is a thrill that is indescribable.

The only thing I will ever be loyal to is this job. Women come and go, but this job is here, and it's the only thing I've ever wanted. Does that make me a player? Maybe. I don't really care enough to think about it most of the time. Women ask me out, I go out. Women want to sleep with me, I sleep with them. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Chief Ryder calls me into his office after having a long and stressful conference with the Fire Commissioner. It's determined that there's talk of budgeting cuts, and we have to show where all of our equipment expenses have gone in the last six months. We're collaborating on the paperwork as Greene walks in.

Behind him is a small woman, barely in her 30s. As he steps to the side and she steps forward, I notice how beautiful she is. She can't be more than 5'4, but for some reason I have a feeling she's fierce. Her dark, wavy hair is put up in a ponytail, which is the standard paramedic hairstyle.

She's tiny.

How the hell is she gunna make it on this job? There's no freaking way she'll be able to lift someone onto a gurney. What is Ryder thinking? She's supposed to be the PIC? This job is gonna eat her up and spit her out in a week. Shame though, she sure is cute.

As Ryder goes and gives her a hug, I wonder if I should stand up and introduce myself. I decide not to. She hasn't noticed me yet, and frankly, I'm enjoying staring at her. She won't be here long, so I might as well enjoy the view while I've got it.

Chief Ryder starts grilling her with questions. Although she looks at ease, there seems to be something around her eyes that's tightening. I can't quite decide what it is, but every now and then the space between her eyebrows furrow and her eyes get tight. The smile is still firmly on her face, though. I'm right....She's fierce.

She finally notices me against the window. Her glance is short and uninterested. Hmmm. That's strange. Most of the time when women look at me they get flustered. I can always tell immediately that they like me. She looks more annoyed...Like I'm intruding. Huh.

I'm really not interested in her responses, until Greene speaks up.

"You have a 15 year old son?!?" Greene squeaks

Woah! I wasn't expecting that.

"I do. I had him when I was 16."

She looks Greene right in the eyes when she replies.

This girl is interesting. I start paying attention as Chief interrogates this poor thing. Her answers intrigue me and leave me wanting to know more. She finally excuses herself and leaves the room. For some unexplained reason, I want to follow after her. I roll my eyes at myself and turn my attention back at Chief Ryder. He's looking down and smiling to himself.

"I think you guys will really like Ellie. She's strong. Her mother left when they were little, and her dad raised them. She has a twin brother Justin, but last I heard he moved to LA to try to make it as an actor, like their dad. Jake is a fitness trainer, but he and Ellie have never gotten along. I do feel bad for her. She's been basically alone, raising her son, for the last 15 years. She's had Alex to help, but something tells me that girl has more weight on her shoulders than she can carry."

He stops for a moment, shakes his head, and sits back down. We continue to discuss the equipment expenses.

As I'm going through what my squad has used the last six months, I can't help but wonder how Ellie and Megan are getting along.

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