~21~ Changing

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Taylor's POV

I'm an ass. The moment those words were out of my mouth last night, I instantly regretted them. Truth was, I don't want to go out with Lydia. There's only one girl I want to take out, and yet I can't even get her to ride in a car with me. I must be losing my touch.

I don't see Ellie the rest of the night. I knew the moment she left the table that I needed to go apologize to her, but I don't. I must still be trying to punish her for slaying me this morning.

The rest of the night, and all the next morning, I'm still trying to make myself apologize. My pride isn't letting me though. How much rejection and humiliation can one man take?

If I'm being honest, having Lydia chasing after me these last few weeks has felt nice. Maybe I'm just needing a little ego boosting tonight—Get back in that saddle—Let out some pent up frustration. When we go back to my apartment, I'll just pretend it's someone else underneath me.

I get ready, half wanting to cancel. Maybe I should just go to Ellie's and apologize now. I know she doesn't have Liam tonight. Maybe I could come up with some excuse to see her. Maybe I smell gas coming from her apartment or something and I wanted to check things out.

I'm such a freaking loser.

I decide to stick with the plan, and head out on my date. On the way down the hall, I manage to run into Ellie. Man this girl is a knockout. I've never seen her in workout clothes. The paramedic uniform does not do that girl justice. Those leggings fit around her so perfectly, and accentuates all the right areas. Don't even get me started on seeing her in a sports bra. Agh, she's going to be the death of me. 

She sees me, and immediately her eyes harden. She has a tight smile as she says: "You look nice Lieutenant, enjoy your date."

Yup, she's still pissed.

I match her smile with mine. "Enjoy your workout," I snap back.

My date with Lydia is less than enjoyable. This girl is easy. Her low cut shirt and short skirt are only screaming one thing. My old self wouldn't have even made it to the restaurant. We would have detoured back to my place.

However, she just isn't interesting to me. Great, Ellie has ruined me. I swear, I'm not gonna be a happy man if I become celibate.

It's getting late, so we decide to head to the local bar. Maybe if I get her drunk enough, I can just send her home. I won't need to make up an excuse. My hard and fast rule is to NEVER sleep with a drunk woman. That just gets you into trouble.

She's on her third gin and tonic, while I'm still nursing my first beer. Two more of those babies, and she should be good to shove into a taxi, and I can go home.

I glance over at the bar when I hear some younger people laughing. Wish I was having as much fun as they are. Something about one of their voices is familiar to me. I shrug to myself and force myself to continue listening to this girl's story.

The nagging feeling that I know one of them is bothering me. I'm just going to walk over there. That will give me an excuse to get her another drink, anyways.

"You're getting low, how about I get you a refill?" I ask as I stand up and wink at her.

"You're ssseriously the bessssst!" She slurs.

Maybe just one more will do it after all.

As I start walking over there, staring at the back of the groups heads, the one on the far left looks familiar to me. I know this person.

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