~24~ Friends

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Ellie's POV

It's been weeks since the incident; Alex and I have barely talked. He never mentioned another word about it. Besides the punishment I gave to Liam, he was off the hook completely with Alex. That infuriated me. Why can a man who hardly knows him help out, when his own dad just walks out? It doesn't make sense to me.

I'm off today, so I head to the store to get some things. Liam asked to stay home, and since he isn't grounded anymore, I agreed. I get home a few hours later, go inside, and Liam isn't there. I start to get mad. He knows he is supposed to tell me when he leaves. I call him, no answer.

After about twenty minutes of looking around the apartment complex, I'm seething. He's going to be in so much trouble when he gets back. I head back up the stairs and turn to go inside my apartment.

"Ah, come on. That's cheating!" I hear Liam yell. His tone doesn't sound mad, though.

"Suck it up, buttercup. You've got to bring your A-Game if you wanna play with the big boys!" I hear in response.

I turn to where the sound is coming from—Taylor's apartment. I go over and knock on the door.

A moment later, Taylor opens the door with a controller in his hand and a big smile on his face.

"Hey," he says, as he leaves the door open and goes back to sit next to Liam on the couch.

"Hey mom!" Liam says, not even bothering to look at me.

"What's going on here?" I guess I technically can't be upset. He only went 10 feet from our apartment.

"Preston owed me a rematch. Last week he cheated, and he's claiming that he's better at Call of Duty. I'm proving to him that he's old, and he needs to stick to Minecraft," Liam says, shoving Taylor in mock annoyance.

"Old?!? Boy, I'd challenge you to an arm wrestling contest right here if I didn't think you'd cry like a little girl," Taylor says, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

I'm completely stunned. I had no idea that they even talked, let alone were friends. That realization brought tears to my eyes. This man is taking time out on his day off, to hang out with my kid. Who does that?

I go over and sit in the chair, watching their exchange. They argue playfully for a minute, before Taylor yells "OH YEAH, son! Who's the old man now?!?"

He throws the controller on the couch and stands, doing a little victory dance; Rubbing it in Liam's face. He looks at me and chuckles.

"I'm starving. You guys wanna stay for a pizza?" He asks, looking at me hopefully.

"Yeah we do!" Liam answers immediately. "Get pepperoni this time though, that sausage is what made me lose last time. The smells coming from you were distracting."

Taylor shoves Liam's shoulder and rolls his eyes. "What do you say, Ellie?"

I can't say no. I'm surprised at how content I am here. I don't want to leave. "Sure," I say, "But if there isn't soda here, then that's a deal breaker."

"What do you take me for?" He asks, acting shocked that I would think such a thing.

We stayed for hours. The boys playing and eating, and me watching it all. I couldn't believe this. Liam must see something pretty special in him. Maybe he wouldn't suffer if I allowed Preston to be apart of our lives. Maybe it would be good for him.


The next day is shift. It's a Saturday, so Liam made plans to go to his friends for the day. We head out a little early, so I can take him there. As we leave our apartment, Taylor comes out of his.

"Morning," he says with a big smile.

I smile at him as Liam reaches over to give him a high five.

The boys talk about their next Call of Duty night.

When we get to the parking lot, Taylor says "You know, I really think it would be a disservice to public safety if I don't offer to drive you guys today. From what I hear, she's crazy on the road," he winks at me and looks at Liam.

Liam looks at me sheepishly, and then looks back to Taylor. "Lieutenant Preston, sir, my mother is a horrible driver."

"That settles it. I can't in good conscious allow you to drive today. Your son is uncomfortable." He looks to me and smiles gently. I know they're just giving me a hard time. He goes over to the passenger door and opens it, gesturing me in.

I don't say anything. I just smile and get in, silently, as Liam gets in the back.

We talk the whole way as we drop off Liam and head to shift. Once there, we go our separate ways, starting our day.

It's around lunchtime, and we're all sitting around, taking a break.

*Engine 20, Truck 80, Squad 10, Ambulance 20, structure fire. 1932 Pine St.

Everyone goes to get on their gear. Except me.

"NOOOO" I scream, putting my hands to my cheeks.

Everyone stops for half a second and looks at me in horror. I find Taylor's alarmed face and look directly into his eyes.

"THAT'S WHERE LIAM IS!!!!" I scream

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