Chapter 9: She Know

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Chapter 9:
She Know

Yashiro can just stare in those blue sapphire eyes of Kou's. She can feel her fears coming up to her head, a lot of questions if popping up.

Is he still hating on her?

Is he going to yell at her?

Is he going to just shove her away-

"What are you doing here!?" He asked loudly.

Oh, here he comes. It is not a good timing to get yelled here because it will echoes here.

"I-" She cut off her own word when Kou hugged her tightly. ". . .K-Kou-Kun?" Yashiro asked nervously, still not returning back his hug.

"I thought you will never come back!" He said happily, tightening the hug. Yashiro can't even breathe in this kind of situation. Yashiro keep reaching out to Aoi.

"A-Aoi!" She said breathelessly. Aoi giggled and fiddled Akane's shirt. "Akane-Kun, look. Nene-Chan is having fun" She said happily. Akane agreed with her because he love her so much.

Yashiro is getting squished.

Kou finally released her from his hug but still holding her shoulders. "Why did you move Nene-Chan?" He asked. Seemingly desperate to know the answer.

From everyone's perspective, Kou grew fastly attached to Yashiro.

On the first day they met, Kou keep talking to her like he had been her best friend for years. And the expression that he made during her first day showed how he was terribly hurted by the fact that Yashiro was moving away.

Yashiro chuckled. She is relieved that Kou is not even mad at her that time and he does not hate her at all. Maybe he was just really upset that time.

Or maybe she is the one who overthink about his expression.

Atleast he did not hate her. If he did, that would be a complete problem for her.

She came here to have some fun in her life and enjoy the same moment she once was having with everyone here.

"Akane-Senpai, you didn't tell me that she's here!?" Kou said, turning to Akane. Akane shrugged. "I thought that guy already told you" He said, mentioning Teru in it.

"I thought that would be a good idea to not to tell you and make this a surprise" Teru said, walking back from the field grass.

His hair is messed up a little, his clothes is a little bit torn. Tiara is sitting on his shoulder while keep hitting his head. "I wanna play again!" She screamed. Teru sighed and put her down to the ground.

"Be a good girl, or else no TV tonight" Teru said to her. She immediately act like one.

Yashiro stare at her blankly. Blonde and orange-ish hair, ocean blue or sapphire eyes she can't tell. She is probaly around 5-6 years old from her looks.


"Who's this?" Yashiro asked Teru. Teru look at Tiara and pat her head. "Our younger sister, Tiara-Chan" He answered her question.



"Since when did you guys has a little sister?" She asked surprisingly. The last time she met the Minamoto brothers, they had no sister or other sibling.

This one really took her surprise.

"Our parents had been trying to reach out to you since your parents never pick up their calls" Kou said. Tiara clings to Teru's leg and started biting it. "T-Tiara!?" Teru said, trying to get her bite off him.

Oh no. Tiara pulled him back to the field, they keep rolling down until they reach the grass again.

"Why don't we join them Akane-Kun?" Aoi said, taking his hand as she jumped to the fence to get to the other side. "Are you sure, Ao-Chan you will get hurt" Akane said worriedly.

"Eh. . . You are no fun. ." Aoi said dissapointedly. Akane realized the mistaken he had done. Akane quickly lay down on the grass, ready to sacrafice himself to fall down to the grass and possibly hit Teru who is laying lifelessly at the bottom.

"Now thats fun!" Aoi said, sitting down on the grass.

"Ao-Ch-" She already slide down. Akane panicked and roll down. Side by side, they together fall down to the field. Aoi is laughing happily but Akane is screaming miserably.

Yashiro laughed together with Kou.

"Shall we?" He said, jumping to the other side of the fence. Yashiro stare at him blankly first but then she stretched a smile on her face. She take Kou's hand and jumped.

"Mhm!" She replied.

She sit down on the grass and so do as Kou. She carefully pushed herself to the edge. Kou tightened his hand around Yashiro's hand.

They both fell down.

The wind is hitting them a little hard. Yashiro's hair is flowing. She can feel the adreneline rushing through her body.

She then remember how it used to feel like to have fun with friends.

You feel very free, laughing and giggling. She can't express her happiness right now.

If this is a dream, please don't wake her up. Please let her stay in her dream forever.

Let her stay.

Don't wake her up.

But she know she will wake up.

'Kay, finally released this chapter.

Aaaa, I don't have anything to say right now. Also, thanks for the new two followers. Why are you guys so nice? I don't deserve this :'). . .

Sorry for the errors!

I might re-write this but I think not since I'm trying to finish this early but I can't go on an update-spree yet. Lol, so thank you for reading this crappy chapter!


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