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I woke up this morning
to the sound of the piano you left here...
I just slept on it.
Thought I had heard your voice
calling for me out the door...
Silly me to think you'd be the one
to knock.
I tried everyway
to get you out
of my head
of my soul...
But you are everywhere
in my skin
in my lyrics
even in my stupid gallery.
I drank too much,
cried too much,
regretted too much,
did too little
and couldn't make you believe in us.
The pain was ripping me
inside out
and stiches woudn't fix it
nothing would fix me.
I woke up this morning
just another one more
where my bed is empty
where you're not here
where I feel so lonely
where I can't be the first one to call
where I'm a coward again.
And you are everywhere
like a reminder of everything
I try to forget
even when I know
I won't.

message in a bottle of wineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora