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Always hearing we wouldn't work out
Always hearing I deserved better,
and the worst was that
you heard that too.
Always afraid of losing you.
Always startled with the way I felt around you.
So strong, powerfull
I was the king of the world
by your side.
So fragile
like glass
like a flower
like our love.
You said things don't change.
You said you'd stay.
You're good at lying.
So right of your mind
with all those pretty words
and fake smiles...
Have you ever smiled like that
to me?
Fooled and taken for granted.
The only thing I had whole
you took without permission
and broke it.
But can I lie and say that my heart wasn't already yours?
You could do whatever you wanted with it...
I just hoped you would keep it
and treasured it
and loved it.
But you tossed it away
without asking, careless
and empty.

message in a bottle of wineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora