chapter 6

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Thomas POV:

Y/n was different from every girl I had ever met. There was something different with her to other girls. The girls I had hung out with before are all desperate people and they want to have some, fun. If you get what I mean.

Y/n was different, she was quiet and calm. And seemed like a loving person.

But I was popular and the school's “bad boy” and she was a good girl.

She didn’t seem like she would do anything that I would do, like skip school or spend the night with a boy.

Y/n POV:

I sat down on my bed and looked through Instagram. I put in Thomas’s name: Thomas Sangster and found his Instagram profile.

It was a public profile with over 1,000 followers.

I figured that he would have a load of followers. I only had 120 followers, but to be fair, I wasn’t popular, and a total man whore like he was.

I looked through his Instagram, there were mostly photos of him at parties with his friends.

I wasn’t one that was into parties and stuff like that, so I didn’t see myself going to one anytime soon.

Thomas POV:

I sat down and looked at Y/n’s Instagram.


hmm. I pressed the follow button and sent a request. I wanted to see what she was like. her photos and everything.

I wasn’t trying to stalk her. But I was kind of fascinated by her.


she was unlike any girl that I’ve ever met, so I wanted to know more and more about her. Not trying to be weird at all, but maybe I was falling for her.

I’ve never been really in love anymore, so I didn’t know anything. I don’t date. I don’t date unless I’m really in love with that person, and since I’ve never been in love before I didn’t know what that feeling was like.

I would mess around with girls- but I didn’t date. Messing around with them was the only thing that I would do before leaving them. Yeah, I seemed like a fuckboy, but that’s because I’ve got looks- according to everyone who looks at me.

A notification popped up on my phone, “Y/n has accepted your follow request.”


I instantly go onto my account and see that she had accepted my follow request, though she hadn’t followed me back. I looked through her Instagram posts.

I wasn’t trying to be creepy at all- I was just fascinated by this girl and wanted to know more about her.

On her profile I saw a picture of her with a bunch of other people. I figured that it must’ve been people from her old school that she was friends with.

It was cute. I sighed as I looked through her profile.

The only people I’ve ever known is the popular kids at my school. The popular kids from other schools, and everyone acted all the same. No one was ever like Y/n.

I was never friends with anyone so quiet and good like her. It kinda felt weird.

-Monday Morning-

I walked into the coffee shop where I would usually get my coffee from early in the morning. I saw a figure that looked kind of familiar.

She had Y/l/h and was about (your height). She turned around and took her coffee, revealing her face.


I ran over to her instantly as she was putting sugar into her coffee.
“hey.” I said quietly.
she looked up at me, “Um, hi?” She said, rather confused. Probably confused on why the hell I was talking to her.

“You get coffee from here?” I ask.
I mentally slap myself a hundred times for asking that question. I felt nervous, I don’t know why. I’d never felt nervous with a girl before. Was it that Y/n was different to the rest?

“Um… yeah every morning. I’m just late today so,” she mumbles.

“Ohh okay cool.”

“yeah.” She smiles and walks off.
I mentally slap myself once more for everything again. I feel like an idiot for asking the most random questions. She walks out of the coffee shop and I sigh.


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