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I looked through my window ...

and I couldn't sleep again ...

I don't remember anymore I am hopeless and desperate ...


everyone is very concerned and knows about their pregnancy and with whom ...

but they wanted to inform him but I didn't want it ...

what's the use of telling someone that he will become a father if he probably doesn't want to be the father of our child and even if he doesn't love me ...


of course my sisters wants me back to normal but that goes not yet i know i'm doing my best to get back to normal and hope they see it ...

they also want the dad to know ...

i said i'll say it when i'm ready for it ...


everyone understood me it has only been two weeks since I knew and it is still so impertinent it is only two weeks that i have a baby in my belly and elves have to wear a baby in the belly for 15 months so it is still very impertinent the growth of the baby ...


somehow i really want the baby and i know i'm going to be a good mama and deep down i'm glad that legolas is the father and that he deflowered me ...

but i'm more broken because i never should have do he probably wanted to be deflowered by tauriel ... I am struggling with that and also that he does not love me ... maybe I should just go on with my life ...

I cannot continue to tear but really fall in love no more ...

but i can be married to someone i don't want but will like him and be good friends?

ah I don't know what to do anymore?

and looked through my window and said help me please mama ...

I need your advice why aren't you here ...


after she left i realized i love her and not tauriel ...

and i let her go ...

how stupid am i ...

now i will never see her again ...

and my friends help me positive and still have hope but I don't know how to be have hope...

i will not give up on her ...


i will be better that is a promise now...

i know what the do...

and i will take the risk...



all the caracters belong to J.K tolkien but i will do my own story about the lord of the rings but i will try to be do what tolkien did and i will do things that belong to tolkien... but i'm a writer and i like to own the caracters because i like that but the story will be change a lot because i can't all the stuff about the lord of the rings out of my head but i will try to do my best also with the hobbit but the hobbit will more my own story...


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