Chapter 3

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After Rafael nearly had a heart attack, we decided to through out all of the towels. So maybe your wondering why were spending so much time cleaning on vacation.

Well, we were going to be staying here for almost three months; wouldn't you want it to be nice? "Hey guys I found a laundry thing down the street if one of-"

"Ill go." Rafael shot up, wanting to get out as soon as possible. Erwin shrugged, and they started gathering all of the sheets. "Hey while your out, will you buy some towels?"

"Yea sure."

It wasn't thirty minutes later when someone was banging on our door. Not paying attention when i opened it, because i figured they just forgot to take a key. "Sir! You have to help me!" I could hear Rico say something, but the lady had already pulled me out of the room and was dragging me down the hall.

Rico was rushing after us, shouting that this could be considered kidnapping, and how he was somehow going to be blamed for this. Coming to a hault in front of another motel room, she opened it up and ushered us in.

It was even worse than our room had been. Fast food wrappers littered the room, and you could smell the bathroom from where I was standing; even with the door closed.

"Umm why did you drag me here?" I asked, trying to ignore the horrible stench coming from the other side of the room. She looked like she was shaking,possibly because she was "Well my family is staying in this motel for the weekend and my uncle was staying in this room, but hes not not here."

Rico frowned, "Yes but what does that have to do with us?" she sighed and ran a hand threw her hair. "Because nobody believes me when I say that he hasn't left the room! And I know he hasnt!" Now I sighed. No wonder nobody believes her, hes a grown man, he could leave anytime he wante-




We all froze. Something had just dripped from the ceiling. As we slowly looked up, we all emitted a scream of terror.

There was an old man on the ceiling, being held there with barbed wire. His eyes were wide open, and there was a weird carving on his forehead. throwing the door open and rushing out of the room, I pulled out my phone and dialed 911.


So the old man had been the woman's uncle. The police had no idea how the man was killed, since it was pretty hard to get a man on the ceiling, not to mention he was held with barbed wire.

Rafael and Erwin wanted to leave, and they hadn't even seen the dude. We all pretty much wanted to leave, but we couldn't afford to pay for another motel.

After we got the whole room livable, we realized that it wasn't such a bad room. I mean, maybe the guy just had some really bad enemy's. Surely nobody else would be killed here.

How wrong were we.

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