Chapter 3

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Sighing, you rubbed the side of your head. Why was Seokjin being so confusing to you? "Did you ever think about me when we separated? Because I thought about you everyday." You poured your heart out, deciding it was either all or nothing at this point. "Yes. I thought about holding you everyday like I did this summer. But here at school.. things are different for me. I'm scared you're gonna leave, okay?" Seokjin ran a hand through his hair, unsure of where he was going with this. He didn't want to admit just how terrible he was just yet. "I'd never leave you. I'm staying right here."

Seokjin sighed, letting out the breath he was holding in. "I'll let you meet my friends. I'm sorry for making you feel like I felt ashamed of you. I'm just ashamed of my past and I don't want them tainting you." You nodded at his explanation, forgiving him because even you knew you two were complete opposites. You gently squeezed his hand and Seokjin pressed a kiss to your head. Sitting in comfortable silence, you rested your head on his shoulder. "Some of the cheerleaders were looking for me, so I might have to head back earlier than expected."

"That's alright. I'll catch up with you at a better time. I'm just glad you're back."

You tried your best to smile at his words, but you found yourself walking away in deep thought.

You heard footsteps approaching from behind you and you jolted, clearly expecting the boy you were with not even five minutes ago. "Do you wanna have a sleepover with me and the girls?" Joy softly spoke up with concern lacing her words. You contemplated for a second but didn't want to disappoint so you agreed. Maybe you'd feel better or get a good distraction out of this.

Joy smiled kindly, leading you to the car that Yeri and the girls were waiting for you in. You held your skirt up a bit and watched your step, not noticing the way Hoseok stared at you a few yards away. He had an elbow leaned against his car as his eyes followed your figure intently. "That's Seokjin's girl." Jimin stated matter of factly as he dug through his pockets for a lighter. The older boy scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "Seokjin isn't even good for her. I'd know what's good for her. She's too innocent for.." Hoseok trailed off with his words and rubbed the back of his neck. "For what, huh?" Jungkook obliviously looked up at the two boys, clearly not in on the conversation.

"You're young, don't worry bout it." Hoseok ran a hand through his dark hair, in an attempt to slick it back.
"We gotta get going guys. We g-gotta bug out!" Suddenly Taehyung's breathing was fast and his whole demeanor screamed that he was nervous. Taehyung had pretty severe anxiety after he was jumped a few months ago back in April. He was on his way to school when gangs from another school came up behind him and pulled a pocket knife out on him. They beat him so bad, the poor kid had a limp. He had a black eye and a nasty cut on his upper left cheek.

"Kid! Relax, what's wrong?" Namjoon took a step closer to the boy with an unreadable expression on his face. "They're looking for Jin.." Taehyung stuttered, his eyes blown out and unfocused. Seokjin slid off his leather jacket and his eyes darkened. "I'm not afraid of a rumble."

Hoseok stormed over to him, swear words and insults leaving his mouth. "Do it and you'll worry Y/N even more! Do you even care?!"

"Since when do you give a shit what goes on between me and my girlfriend." Seokjin spat, making sure to emphasize the word 'girlfriend'. Hoseok's nostrils flared in anger, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked at his friend for a moment. Namjoon looked at the two of them, feeling uneasy. He wanted to intervene but maybe it would be better if they talked it out. "Go ahead and do it. Make us look like the filthy rowdy greasers we are, right?" Hoseok's words struck a chord in everyone and it went silent. Jungkook winced at his words, sharing a glance with Taehyung. Tires screeched against the gravelly pavement as Yeri's car passed them,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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