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{ 2 weeks later.......}

" I want answers. You give me the fucking answers I need" I said as I punched this man across the face.

He was the camera person that day.
He deleted all the CCTV footages of who might be behind this.

"Please stop....." I don't stop as I punch him across his bloodied face.

"OK....OK I'll tell you. But please stop...." He says barely speaking nicely as he gurgles blood a bit.

"I don't work directly for him. I just work for one of his major commandos. They are like the revolutionary gang. No one knows about them. No trace left behind, all calls through a payphone. Klara Devonshire. She's is one of his majors and sometimes they fuck. But I don't know when" he says heaving out a breath.

"Your husband. His last words were to tell you and your sons that he loved you. I'm sorry sir" I clench my jaw as I pull out my gun and shot him between his eyes.

I walked out removing my blood covered hand gloves as well as those knuckle rings.

After two weeks of searching, I haven't gotten a clue.

I hear hurried footsteps and I take out my gun just in case but see my head butler looking like he just ran a marathon.

"Sir*panting* you *panting* need to see this" he says and I follow him hurriedly as I find myself back in my study.

The boys are laid passed out on the couch as I picked them up and lay them in my master bedroom. I make sure to keep the air conditioning system on low because the last thing I need is the boys catching a cold especially now that Derek isn't here....

I don't waste anymore time,pecking my kids on the head as I pull the duvet over them and leave one of my most trusted guards outside the bedroom door.

"Something happens to my kids and I'll make sure I leave a hole in your fucking face. Do you understand?" I intimidatedly spoke to the guard as he gives me a nod.

"Yes sir" he says as I leave.
I enter my office as one of the guards hand me a handkerchief to wipe off the blood from my palms.

"This better be good "

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