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I hear a boyish voice and jealousy bubbled up in me.

Is Derek seeing someone?!
I'll kill them if so....

Derek. I remember him. I remember everything.

But why didn't my parents tell me? That I attempted suicide cause the love of my life didn't love me anymore.

I still didn't know why he did that to me? But I trust him to tell me when he's ready to tell me.

And who the fuck is papa?! If this guy is into kinks calling Derek papa,I'm gonna kill them.

I see Derek stiffened as he paled up and looked at me worriedly.

Should I be worried?!

Just then,three identical boys walked in wearing matching uniforms.
One of them had brown hair and bluish green eyes like... Derek??!
While the other two boys had same features, curly black locks,and bright gray eyes.

They looked! But when I was little.

They stared at us weirdly before the shorter one from one of the gray eyes and green eyes walked forward and hugged Derek's leg.
Derek picked him up.

The other two boys walked over and hugged Derek.


Wait what?! No no, I'm suppose to be asking who are these kids although I feel such a connection to them. Especially the short gray orbed kid- he must be the youngest one.

"Papa,whose he?" I hear the older gray orbed boy ask.

"I'm Vincenzo" I introduced myself as he shook my hand.

I didn't even know I introduced myself with my full name.

"I'm Dimitri. Please to meet you Mr Vincenzo" he says politely.

"Cenzo, can we talk later?" I nodded.

Wait,did they just call him papa?

Derek is their father?!

"Ok,boys,go change outve your uniforms. Put them in the laundry basket and I find them on the floor Dimitri,you're not having any dessert tonight" I hear Derek sternly say and they all nodded as they left but I

"Wait,how old are you boys?" They all looked at me.

"I'm the eldest. We're all 5. Then Ares,who is 4 minutes younger than me,and Rion whose 6 minutes younger than me" Dimitri says holding Rions hand protectively before they walked out.

Its been 5 years since I've been with Derek. Could it be they're mine?!

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