Chapter 19 {Bali, Indonesia³}

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"What was it you wanted to talk to me about?" Alex asks as they enter their room. She was still so turned on but Arnold wanted to talk.

"About you fighting today. Alex, you could be pregnant and you're fighting??" he spoke in displeasure.

"Exactly, I could be pregnant and even if I am that'll just be 2 days which isn't a confirmed pregnancy. I'm sorry if I scared you but I wasn't gonna allow the girls to fight alone."

He sighed and hugged her. "I'm just really happy about this pregnancy and I can't risk losing you or the baby."

Alex didn't know how to feel in the moment because Arnold wasn't a person of sentiment and compassion most of the times. She immediately felt guilty about what just happened and what was about to happen.

"I have something very important I want to tell you but you have to promise me to not get mad," he says as he pulls away from her.

"Ok, what did you do now? Did you cheat on me again?"

"What, no. It's something from my past that I haven't told you as yet."

"Ok. Go on."

"Alex, I um....I...I have unk-"

There was a sudden knock at the door and Arnold attended it despite the fact he had something very important to say.

"Babe, we're going clubbing tonight so go get ready. Amara is getting ready as well and we're going to get something to eat first so we have to leave early. I'll wait for you," Elena speaks.

"Um Elena Arnold was just about to-"

"No it's okay baby, go! I'll tell you when you come back and please, no alcohol or fighting," Micheal interrupted.

"You sure cause I can go," Elena questions.

"Nah you're good. We'll just talk about it tonight. Besides, the guys and I have plans," he says before heading out after pecking his wife's lips.

"We're all wearing black by the way," Elena informs her. She nodded and headed to the bathroom. Elena then realized she forgot her special tea and exit the room to go to her room.

She walked in and walked pass Elki. He didn't see her the first time she left and was jealous of what she was wearing.

"Hey hun," she greets.

"Where you going?" he questions.

"Clubbing with the girls."

"In this?!" he says in disapproval.

"Yeah, why? What I choose to wear has never been a problem to you before," Elena speaks as she looks for the tea mixture.

"Yeah...but it's...different now," he says in a lower tone.

"How is it different?"

He was falling in love with her and he refused to admit it much less say it out loud. He was always the type to deny his feelings until they go away because he was afraid to face them.

"Never mind. Just make sure no guy touches you or else imma flip," he adds.

"Yeah yeah yeah I know. Ah-ha!" Elena explains as she found the mixture opened on the kitchen counter.
Micheal managed to conceal his hard on until he reached into his room where Amara was already fully dressed and putting her earrings on. She saw him come him and noticed the erection.

"Oh," she mutters underneath her breath.

"I need to take a cold shower," he says as he starts gathering everything he needed.

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