Chapter 3

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Hermione's first week of classes went horribly. Not only had many of the students realised they wouldn't be disciplined by teachers for bullying muggle-borns, half-bloods, and supposed "blood traitors", but the Carrows seemed to already be out for blood. She spent much of her first day ducking from hexes of throwing a well-aimed protego at unsuspecting younger students so they wouldn't get a nasty surprise. By the time she was sitting down for dinner on Friday night, Hermione was dreading the rest of the school year.

"Hey, 'Mione," Ginny grumbled as she slumped onto the bench beside her. Luna sat on Ginny's other side, much to Hermione's surprise, and Neville plopped down in front of her.

"Don't you all look happy," Hermione said, serving herself some food then staring down at it. She wasn't particularly hungry, but she knew she needed the food.

"The Carrows are horrid and I have enough homework for the next month," Ginny told her. Neville nodded along with her and Luna just looked at them all silently.

"Are you okay, Luna?" Hermione asked. It wasn't out of character for Luna to stare at them silently, but she did want to make sure no one had given her a hard time.

"Oh, yes," Luna replied, reaching for a bread roll. "I've just thought I'd rather not complain about class. It draws Wrigglyspurts and they're just wretched to get out of your ears."

Hermione nodded at her then glanced back to Neville who was trying to say something with a mouth full of food. Once he'd finally chewed and swallowed, he started again.

"Are you here to start the DA again, Hermione?" he said, looking around suspiciously at anyone who could be listening. "I learned loads with you and Harry and since the Carrows aren't actually going to teach us anything, it would be a great idea."

"I don't think so, Neville," Hermione sighed. As much as she had enjoyed the DA and teaching younger students how to defend themselves, she wasn't sure running such a club was a good idea with Death Eaters running through the castle. "The Carrows are much worse than Umbridge. If we got caught, I'd hate to think what would happen."

"What about charms and spells again?" Ginny suggested. Hermione raised an eyebrow at her and she rolled her eyes before clarifying, "You charmed the parchment last time. You could do it again, but with more targeted spells to prevent the Carrows or other Death Eaters from even seeing it."

Hermione considered it. The DA would certainly be a good idea. Defense Against the Dark Arts had been changed to simply Dark Arts and Alecto Carrow didn't seem too intent on teaching them anything that could be even sort of considered defense. She dreaded to think what the younger students were learning.

"I'll think about it," Hermione promised. Neville just smiled and they quickly finished their dinner.

As Hermione hurried back to the head's dormitory, she ran through various spells and charms she could use on the flyer. They'd have to be failproof as she refused to run the DA with any chance they could be discovered, but she couldn't very well ask the teachers for such peculiar spells.

With a little luck, Professor McGonagall would be willing and able to discreetly help her. She had to know at least something about the DA and what had gone on in fifth year, but Hermione would still refrain from saying anything directly. Even though she trusted the older witch, she didn't want any possible rumours to get out and cause problems.

She was so lost in thought that she didn't see someone coming around the corner and ran right into them. Panic jolted through her body as she stumbled and hit the ground before she could fully process what had happened. Her books fell to the ground beside her but as she reached out to gather them back up, a dragonhide shoe struck out and kicked her hand away. She pulled her hand back quickly, cradling it close, and looked up to see who she'd run into.

The End's IntentWhere stories live. Discover now