Chapter 12

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Hermione returned to the heads' dormitory late that night and went directly up to her room. She hadn't seen Draco, but his door was shut and she doubted he'd be wandering throughout the castle. At the moment, she wasn't sure if it was a good thing she hadn't seen him or not. She definitely hadn't expected him to kiss her like he had earlier but she didn't want him to think she was avoiding him. The only reason she'd left afterward was because of the look in his eyes and the way he seemed so desperate to not lose control around her again.

She spent that day reading and thinking. She didn't know much about werewolves despite Snape trying to teach about them during third year. Her knowledge was limited, but the library was an endless source of information and she was very determined.

By the time she decided to finally go to sleep, she'd learned a lot more about werewolves than she'd ever thought possible. Her head was spinning with information as she crawled under her covers and tried to figure out a way to help Draco through his first full moon. She knew it was too dangerous to be with him during it, but if there was a way for her to help him feel more prepared and understand it better, perhaps it would help.

It wasn't until she'd woken up from a nightmare about the Order getting killed by Death Eaters that she came up with a possible solution. As she laid in her bed, trying not to think about the dead bodies she'd seen in her dream, she was suddenly struck with an idea. Remus Lupin was a werewolf and had experienced the full moon at Hogwarts. If she could contact him, perhaps he'd be open to talking with Draco. Of course, she was almost certain he wouldn't agree to it if he knew it was Draco he'd be talking to, but she could fool him a bit, perhaps.

It was with that thought that she sent an owl after the sun had risen, asking Remus to meet her and a friend in Hogsmeade that afternoon. It was short notice, but she knew if she mentioned her friend had recently been attacked by a werewolf, Remus would come running. Part of her felt bad about keeping information from him, but the other part knew how badly Draco needed to actually talk to someone before the full moon occurred.

When she came back to the dorm, Draco was waiting for her in the common room. She stopped short at the sight of him and tried not to blush as she remembered how he'd kissed her the previous night. Despite how sudden and rough it had been, she hadn't exactly hated it.

"Where did you go?" Draco asked, looking up at her. She gave him a warning look at his sharp tone and his face softened, but he did not apologise.

"I sent a letter to Remus asking him to meet us in Hogsmeade this afternoon," she answered. Draco's eyes widened, but before he could panic, she said, "I thought he might be able to offer some advice seeing as he was a werewolf at Hogwarts too. He might also be able to explain your wolf's instincts and personality to you better than a library book."

For a minute, Draco just stared at her without reacting. Hermione shifted on her feet, a little uncomfortable, and waited for him to either refuse or call her out for meddling. It almost looked like it would be both when he opened his mouth, but a second later he closed it and continued to stare at her.

"So, is that a 'yes'?" she asked hesitantly. Draco blinked as if he'd forgotten she was still there.

"Yes," he said quietly. Hermione slowly smiled. "But I want to talk to him alone."

Hermione's smile fell slightly. Of course, that was understandable and she should have expected it, but she still wished he'd let her sit with them.

"Of course," she said, plastering the smile back on. "I've been dying to visit the new bookstore across the street from Honeydukes. I'll leave as soon as you've both met."

Draco nodded once then stood up and abruptly disappeared in his room. Hermione sighed at his disappearance before trudging up the stairs as well so she could shower and dress for the day.

Breakfast was a quiet affair. Hermione walked in to find the Great Hall mostly empty as the few early risers ate quietly. It took her a second of staring to realise no one else knew about the werewolf attack that had taken place two nights before. Even Ginny seemed oblivious as she asked Hermione what her plans for the day were.

"I'm going into Hogsmeade with Draco," she replied. Ginny wiggled her eyebrows at her but didn't tease her further as Neville dropped down onto the bench beside her.

"Good morning, Neville," Hermione said kindly. Neville gave her a sleepy grin and reached forward to scoop a large serving of potatoes onto his plate.

"Hey, Hermione," he replied, "Feeling any better?"

Hermione was confused for just a second before remembering what had happened in the DA the day before. She'd been terribly late and so distracted, she'd had to tell them all that she'd come down with some sort of flu. Ginny had seemed skeptical of course, but everyone else had believed her and allowed her to leave practice after only an hour. Leaving the DA with Neville, Ginny, and Luna hadn't seemed like a bad idea at all and she'd spent the rest of the time avoiding Draco in the library.

"Yes, I think it was just something I ate," she said. Neville nodded and turned to talk to Ginny, letting Hermione finish her breakfast in peace.

She had just finished and was getting ready to leave the Great Hall when an owl flew down to deliver her a letter. It didn't wait for a reply and after stealing a treat and delivering its message, the owl flew off. Ignoring Ginny and Neville's stares, she opened the letter and read through the short note Remus had sent.


I can only meet with your friend for a short while as Voldemort has a keen eye on Hogsmeade right now. Meet me in the back corner of Rosmerta's at noon.


It was about what she expected, but noon was hardly three hours away. The walk to Hogsmeade wouldn't take long, but she'd first need to find Draco and convince him he would be fine to walk with her to the wizarding village.

"Who's the letter from, 'Mione?" Ginny asked, snatching the letter from Hermione. Hermione incinerated the letter before Ginny could read it and received a glare in return. "You didn't have to do that."

"You shouldn't try reading my mail," Hermione countered. Ginny rolled her eyes and returned to her breakfast. "I'll see you at dinner," Hermione said, standing up from the table.

"Wait, where are you going?" Neville called after her. She faintly heard him turn to Ginny and repeat his question, but neither of them bothered to answer him.

"Just talk to Luna about nargles or gillyweed," Hermione heard Ginny say before she left the Great Hall.

The End's IntentWhere stories live. Discover now